~1~ Cursed Moon Deity

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The sky was covered with dark clouds thundering hard

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The sky was covered with dark clouds thundering hard. Along with the sound of heavy rain, one can hear the clashes of swords and the sound of guqin. The beautiful person in white, sitting amidst the battlefield playing guqin. The blue lightning bolts erupting out of his fingers were taking lives.

"Ah.... Aaa" screams could be heard of the people getting hurt by them.

He is summoning to open the gates of hell called Pavillion of strange decay. The blood is running from his fingers now. Suddenly the guqin's string struck down... "Ah..ah..." He is drained now as was continuously fighting for the last seven days.

With a bang, the gate of hell broke down. the guqin player felt the red light reflection over him. The demon came out, his hairs were fluttering in the air. His eyes were red with anger and blood was oozing out from his lips and fists.

"Xiaofan, you came!!" The beautiful guqin player smiled. "Xiaofan.. come with me, stay with me in the moon realm!" He said with tears in his eyes and ran closer to the demon.

On the other side of the ground, the wounded serpent deity regained consciousness and tried to get up. He saw the guqin player was in the embrace of the demon Xiaofan. Rolling the Qi (energy ball) between his palms with closed eyes, the serpent deity summoned his weapon and then looked at the demon. "Xiaofan!!!!" He screamed...

The demon was calm in the arms of the guqin player but as he heard the serpent deity, he came forward to him in anger.

"Die now!" The serpent deity launched the most deadly weapon called suoling nails.

The guqin player ran and came in between the Xiaofan and serpent deity to save his love.

"Noooo!!" Xiaofan screamed and took the beautiful guqin player in his arms before he fell on the earth. Suoling nails had the power to take away the life of any demon and even deity. A deity is not allowed to kill another deity as it leads to the demotion of one to the realm of demons. And this guqin player was moon deity himself.

"You!! You took a strike on yourself to save this demon, Moon deity!! Let me curse you, "Even if you reincarnated in this world, you would not be able to stay with him forever" The serpent deity cursed whose body was disappearing with a cyclone of black fog.

Groaning in pain, the beautiful moon deity is now dying in the arms of his lover.

"Why did you do this...?" Xiaofan said, crying.

" Xiaofan...I had to... wasn't I designated as the deity of love... I loved you a lot and could do anything for you... I can't think of life without you... Though this unrequited love was quite painful to me...let the moonstone erase everything about me..."

"It wasn't unrequited love at all... I--" He saw the breath of the person lost before he completed his words. The pure yin energy rose from the dead body and went in four directions.

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