Chapter 3

79 7 6

James Bay - Us



My right hand reaches for the light switch as my left one struggles to carry the grocery bags when I nearly drop the whole chicken. Placing the bags on the counter, I check the time. It's 7:14PM, and I haven't eaten since noon. It'll have to be a quick stir fry tonight so I put the chicken in the fridge. I guess I'll invite Stella and Jason over for dinner soon since it seems I bought enough food to feed a village.

Note to self: don't go grocery shopping when you haven't eaten the entire day.

I'm shivering in this place and I quickly run to turn up the thermostat. While the water boils, I walk into the bedroom to change out of my clothes and into a dressing gown. This place wouldn't be as lonely if I had a dog or something, but I know it wouldn't be fair on the poor critter. I'm out of the house for the whole day, and my apartment is on the 14th floor. I just wouldn't have the time to take care of it.

I shovel the stir fry in my mouth so fast, my mother would have a heart attack if she saw me. Maybe I'll try calling her again? She keeps avoiding me, even more so now the divorce is finalised. God, I wish she wasn't so obsessed with my life. It's not as if my parents' marriage was perfect. She hasn't dated anyone since Dad died but that was nearly eleven years ago. I bet she answers Dalton's calls. Pushing my luck, I send her a text asking if she's at least still alive.

-    Yes, hon, just been busy x

I feel like a teenage girl whose been acknowledge by the popular boy who has been ignoring her.

-    Dinner tomorrow? X

Downing the rest of the Pinot Grigio, my phone beeps.

-    Sure, I want to see if your apartment is okay.

I roll my eyes and text her back. Normal parents would prefer to see their children, but not Ida. Ida thinks of me more like a package she keeps forgetting to return. My phone beeps again and I think it's a miracle my mother's attention has stayed on me for so long. But I see it's a message from Dalton.

So naturally, I don't open it instantly.

I lock my screen.

It might be a good time for a bath? It's been a long week but Halloween is finally over, and my muscles are aching. The water seems to take forever to fill the bath that I feel antsy. Subconsciously, I know it's because I want to see the message. It's 8 in the evening, what could he possibly want? I haven't heard from him since he came into the bakery on Monday. Lana wouldn't stop pestering me about why he came so I had no choice but to tell her. To say the woman was leaping for joy is an understatement. I made her promise to keep it a secret since nothing has been confirmed yet.

I haven't even decided if I wanted to set up another café. It's a lot of work making pastries fresh everyday with the same quality, but my secret ingredient is Lana. If she's willing to move to a new location, then why should I get in the way of that?

Dipping my toes in first, I gently lower myself in the tub, the bubbles surrounding me. I made sure to leave my phone beside my bed so I'm not tempted to look at the text. Usually I'd enjoy a relaxing bath but I find myself glancing back at the nightstand to see if it lights up. Eventually, I give in and unplug the drain stopper before wrapping a towel around me. My fingers grab the phone before I even realise it.

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