Chapter 10

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As usual,we had dinner together and then gather around the couch to play some video games.Then suddenly my phone rang.

I took out my phone from my pocket and read the name on the screen.It's my mom.I tap the green button to answer.

"Hi mom!"

"Hi,pumpkin how are you?Did you had a great time staying there?"

"I'm fine mum,yes I did we're playing video games wanna talk to them?I can turn on the loudspeaker if you want."

"Sure I love to."

"Guys,my mom wants to talk to you"

"Hi Mrs Matthew!!"Harry shouts.I looked at him and close my ear.

"Don't worry, Danny's gonna be fine.We'll take good care of her."

Liam continues.

I heard my mom giggle."OK guys,I've got to go now.take care.bye!" She hang up the call.

We continue play the video game and went to bed almost midnight.Everybody went upstairs and went to their room.

But for Louis,he did not miss his goodnight kiss.Before he steps into his room,he kissed my forehead and hugged me.

"Goodnight love.See you next morning." Everytime,he whispers to me the same thing.It makes me happy.


The next morning I woke up.I felt someone kiss my nose.I opened up my eyes and saw Louis infront of me smilling cheerfully.

"Good morning love!" Louis said to me.I took my phone beside my pillow.I look at the clock.It's still early.I smiled at Louis and pulled back my blanket and wrapped all over my body.

"Daniella wake up!"Louis jumped on my bed and hugged me.It's quit early that morning.Usually most of us woke up at 9 am.

Maybe he just want a morning cuddle with me.Who cares,I just want to get back to my beauty sleep.Right after I opened back the blanket,Louis kissed my cheek.

I looked at him and pinched his nose.He hugged me even tighter.I laugh with him,and cuddle with him.Then suddenly my phone interrupted our moments.

I took my phone and someone's calling me.It's my friend,Eris.I answer the phone.

"Hey Eris!"

"Hi, are you?"

"Good,just woke up"

"How's America and your family?are they alright?"

"They're fine.Well I'm not staying in America now,I moved to London for 3 weeks ago."

"Wow that's great.since you're in London,why don't we hangout together?"

"Great idea.!where would you like to meet me?"

"I'll text you."

"Okay..see you soon bye."

I hang up the call.Then I got up from the bed.I put away Louis' arm from me.Then he got up too and made my bed.

After I took my warm shower,I dried up my brunette hair.I put on some make up so that I will look nice.I put on my

black sweater,and my grey skinny jeans.Since the weather is cold,I put on my dark purple trench coat and my brown boots.

I took my handbag and walk downstairs.The boys already woke up since I took my bath.I borrowed Zayn's car to go meet my friend.

"I'll be back in a few hours.".I shout from the outside and close the door.I start up the car and drove away.Erica text me fifteen minutes ago.

"We meet at the coffee shop near the bookshop."

"OK,I'll be there ASAP!"

When I arrived,I parked my car and got out from it.I steped in the coffee shop and saw Erica was waving at me at a table near the counter.

"Hi Danny!long time no see you.since the last time I visited America."She hugged me and gave a smile.

"Yeah,that was 4 years ago.Look at you now,you are taller than me!Though actually just a few inches." I giggled.We sat down and ordered.

Erica is a kind hearted girl.She. always treats me.She is 2 years older than me,but we still act like a bunch of kids when we met each other.

We chat for a very long time.After that,we went shopping at the mall.We did bought some new t-shirts and shoes.Then someone's tapping my shoulder.

I turnaround and saw a boy?It's my classmate Adam.He looks so hot.I almost didn't recognized him.He looks different since the past 5 years.

Big glasses,braces,and even bad choices of clothing.During high-school, he likes to wear something that make himself nerdy.But now,he's completely change.

I was stunned by his appearance.

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