Flower Crowns Are The New Black

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Niall and Louis had worked together in there family music shop for 2 years. They ran it with kindness and care no matter who walked in.

Niall and Louis both shared many passions including flower crowns. Sometimes they matched other times they didn't.


Harry and Zayn had been friends forever. Most people despised them outside of college because they had piercings, ran a tattoo shop and had been to prison. But what they don't know is they were wrongly accused.


What will happen when Zayn and Niall meet?
Niall and Lou go to college for the first time?
And Harry and Zayn find out about Louis?

Find out in.... Flower Crowns Are The New Black


Pairings: Larry Stylinson/ Ziall Horlik

Okay new story. Again. I had this in a dream. No idea how. But yeah. There was something else...erm. Oh yeah. I STILL NEED A NICKNAME. From now on I'm signing off as Bob until I get a nickname. Gif on the side made me DIE.

Bob Xx

Flower Crowns Are The New Black (Ziall)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora