~jotaro visits rohan's house

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A/N: At first I didn't ship, but now here I am...

!!possibly spoilers for diu (I mention Kira/Hayato and stuff, but its not too bad)!!

Rohan's p.o.v:

The search for Kira wasn't going too well. I had managed to take photographs of everyone at the station, but was stuck on why that kid, Hayato Kawajiri, was filming his dad on his way to work. I was so close to figuring it out, but my brain had gone completely blank.

And not to mention, that Jotaro Kujo. For some reason, he's all that I've been thinking of lately.
His chiseled features; his muscular body; his soft black hair; his sparkling green eyes...
Every time I see him, my heart flutters.

I was just about to phone Koichi and ask him to come round and help me with the Hayato case, but i suddenly stopped as i reached for the phone. I could call Jotaro-san instead...

No, no. My mind would just wander, and i wouldn't be able to concentrate if he was with me. Koichi was reliable, and we got on well. But I'd really like to be alone with Jotaro-san...

I sighed, picking up the phone and dialling Jotaro's number. I can't believe I was letting myself do this.

After around three rings, he picked up.

"Hello, is that Mr. Kujo?" I spoke into the receiver. I didn't want to come off too eager, so I addressed him formally.

"Oh, Rohan" He replied. The way he said my name with that deep voice made me blush. "Just call me Jotaro,"

"I- I'm sorry," I winced. I should've just called him Jotaro in the first place. "I'm still stuck with that Hayato kid. I can't seem to figure out what he's doing. I was wondering if you could maybe, come over and help me with it?"

'Of course. I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Okay, thank you!" I smiled as I put down the receiver. A date, with Jotaro-san! No, it wasn't a date. He was simply helping me with the Kira case. I usually hated asking for help, it had been something I'd struggled with since i was a child. But asking Jotaro-san was different. I felt totally comfortable around him. Like i could tell him anything. I sighed, my cheeks slightly pinkish.

Jotaro's p.o.v:

That call was certainly unexpected. From what I had seen, Rohan would usually call Koichi for things like this. Koichi was the person closest to Rohan, and Rohan wouldn't ask anyone else for help. What had made him decide to call me? I wasn't mad about it, in fact, I had sort of caught feelings for him. Or was I exaggerating? He was mean and cold, but I found it oddly comforting. I too, had always been pretty aloof. And besides, he was extremely handsome. His fashion sense also enhanced his looks. It was impossible to look away from him when he entered the room.

Well, I should probably head over to Rohan's house. I grabbed my jacket off the coat rack, and made my way to the ground floor. I hailed a taxi and told the driver Rohan's address.

My head resting on the window, I watched Morioh pass by. I can see why people wish to spend the rest of their lives here. I would live here too if I could. They have an amazing beach, it's perfect for my marine biology.

Rohan's p.o.v:

What should I wear? I want to impress Jotaro-san, but I don't want to try too hard. I sat in front of my wardrobe, contemplating which outfit would be best. Eventually i picked out this outfit:

 Eventually i picked out this outfit:

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I hope Jotaro-san would like it.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I bit my lip nervously, and walked down the stairs. I undid the lock on my door and opened it. There he was. Jotaro. He was wearing the white coat and hat that he always did. It suited him very well.

"Come in," I said, stepping out of his way. Jotaro paused for a moment, he seemed to be looking at me. I blushed and looked down. He suddenly realised he was staring, and stepped in to the house hurriedly.

"i- sorry" Jotaro-san mumbled, a little embarrassed.

"It's fine," I smiled reassuringly. Me, smiling? What a rare occurrence.

I lead him into the living room, moving a pile of books away from the door with my foot.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"Oh, yes, thank you." He responded.

Jotaro's p.o.v:

So, this was Rohan's house. It was pretty big, and was decorated nicely - as expected from a famous mangaka. For some reason, Rohan was being pretty kind to me, and seemed to be in a good mood. Maybe he just liked me. I really hoped so. He was always on my mind, and I wished that I was on his.

The intrusive thought of how I embarrassed myself entering the house kept coming back into my mind. I couldn't help staring, he just looked so, stunning. My eyes just wouldn't look away from his slender, athletic body...

Is this what is referred to as 'gay panic'?

Suddenly, Rohan stepped into the room again, carrying a heavy looking tray. I got up, and went over to help him. He was shorter than me, so I easily lifted the tray out of his arms.

"Let me help you,"

"Hey! I can carry it by myself." He rolled his eyes, his typical grumpy mood showing.

I laughed, and placed the tray down onto the elegant coffee table.

"Oh, you brought some crackers,"

"Yeah, I heard you liked them,"

"I do! I used to have them a lot as a kid,"

"Aw, that's cute," Rohan smiled at me, poking my arm playfully. His mean exterior had completely vanished.

I sat down on Rohan's couch and reached for my tea.

"Here, sit with me," I said, moving up a little.

He slumped down onto the sofa next to me, sighing.

"The Kira case just wont leave my mind." Rohan groaned. "I can't figure it out."

"Me neither," I replied.

"I can't figure out what that Hayato kid is trying to do. Why is he filming his dad like that? Yeah, kids get curious, but it seems a little out of the ordinary. Something is fishy."

"I agree. There must be something going on with the Kawajiri family. But we can't rush into interrogating them just yet. It would be suspicious."

Rohan's p.o.v:

"Yeah, I suppose you're right."
I exhaled, and took another sip of tea.

"Today, why don't we just relax, try to take our minds off the investigation."
Jotaro-san commented.

"Yeah, sure. I could use a break." I admitted. It was pretty stressful at the moment, and I still had to work on my manga full-time.

Suddenly, Jotaro, moved closer to me, our thighs now touching. He put his hand behind me, around my shoulders. I inhaled quietly.

What was he doing? Why was he so close to me? Maybe he was also interested in me...

"T.. that's nice, Jotaro," I closed my eyes and grinned, just taking in his scent. He was so masculine, yet cool and calm. My head rested on his chest, and my hand lay across his abs.

"Jotaro-san, do you... like me?" I asked, my eyes flickering open to look up at him.

"Why would I be cuddling with you like this if I didn't?" He smiled shyly.

"Well, I really like you too, Jotaro." I laughed. He was so cute.

♡~the end~♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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