Chapter 2

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Lucifer pulled out his phone for the fourth time. Why did this take so long? The Detective wasn't usually the type of woman who needed that much time to get ready, so was she having second thoughts about going out with him? Or did she leave him waiting on purpose?

He refilled his glass with the bottle Patrick had conveniently left on the bar for him after his third refill. It did nothing to calm him tonight, which was odd. The ritual and taste usually helped him relax in an instant.

Only two minutes had passed when he checked his phone yet again. He was was getting ridiculous. He unlocked the screen and called the Detective, but to no avail. He was greeted by her mailbox after a few rings.

What if she had slipped inside the shower? That was possible, wasn't it? And she was a fragile human. Maybe it was better if he checked on her.

Another glass of whiskey later, Lucifer walked over to the elevator.

The first thing he saw when the doors slid open upstairs was a neat pile of clothes on a barstool. The realization that she had taken a shower in his bathroom and walked around naked in his penthouse sent a strange jolt through him. He stepped forwards and was about to call her when he spotted her sitting on his bed. That alone would have been both thrilling and flustering at the same time, but what was she doing there?

He recognized the pictures she was clicking through immediately. It hadn't been long since he'd watched them himself and made good use of the arousal they caused in him. But watching her look at them was the sexiest image of all. His mouth went dry as he noticed how she pressed her legs together in search of friction. There was no hiding such reactions from his expert eyes. If it had been any other woman than her, he'd have stridden over and taken control of the situation. But now, he was left unsure of how to proceed. It was probably best to act nonchalantly, if only because she would expect him to.

He leaned against the empty door frame, crossed one foot over the other to make his posture look more casual. But was it? He didn't know what to do with his hands. They didn't feel right in his pockets, so he tried something else. With his arms crossed, he watched the Detective take a deep breath as she clicked a gif that showed a couple lost in a deep kiss, their bodies pressed together in a tight embrace. The woman, on tiptoes, was wearing nothing but black panties and a man's shirt while the man was clothed in dark pants and nothing else.

"Having fun with my porn collection?" Lucifer asked, hoping she wouldn't notice the slight tremor in his voice.

She didn't reply. Instead, she closed her eyes, probably ashamed. This was not what he had wanted her to be. She shouldn't be ashamed for getting aroused by watching titillating pictures.

"If I had known you were into this kind of photos, I would have shared them with you earlier," he tried to ease the tension.

He wasn't sure if it worked, though, since he didn't get a reaction at first, but he also didn't know what else to say. The silence was hard to endure, and just when he couldn't take it any longer, Chloe opened her eyes and looked in his direction, though she avoided his eyes.

"Lucifer, I'm sorry. I didn't want to invade your privacy like that. It was just... I wanted to switch off your laptop before we leave and then I saw this folder, and I clicked it, though I should have known better, since it was clearly marked as private..."

"It's alright, Detective. Don't worry about that. It's just called 'private porn' because it sounds far more interesting than simply 'porn'. And I have a liking for alluring alliterations."

"But it still wasn't right. Just because you keep all of LA up to date about your sex life doesn't mean there are no boundaries."

"You tear down my boundaries anyway, Detective," he muttered under his breath, too silent for her to understand what he was saying.

A picture is worth a thousand words  ✔ (Lucifer fanfiction/Deckerstar)Where stories live. Discover now