Snaking nightmare

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Feliciano stared into the mirror, he had been doing it for half an hour but something seemed to entrance him. He was convinced something about him seemed slightly off. He seemed tanner, he could swear that his eye colour would shift into a regal magenta colour for a split second when he glanced away, his reflection seemed to hold an unreadable smirk Feliciano was convinced he wasn't doing. However, with every person he asked, he received the same answer.

"Is there something off with the mirror?"

"Apart from the snake frame and dust? Not really."
"No, stop looking at yourself."
"For the last time, no."
"I mean, it's just a mirror. Is something meant to be off?"

He tapped the glass gently. His reflection did the same. He let out a gentle sigh and placed his head in his hands. As his eyes left the mirror, out of the corner of his eye, the colour flashed at him again. He shot his head up, only to find his usual amber eyes peering back at him. It was starting to make his brain hurt.

No matter how many times the mirror was cleaned, dust would reappear as soon as he left the room, even for so much as a second. However, the gems that served as the snake's eyes seemed to practically glow with cleanliness, they were hard to not get lost in. Rubies, dark in colour and echanting to the eye, seemed to bring life to the dreary mirror, perhaps that's what urged him into buying it.

Feliciano cautiously stood up, legs wobbling slightly from being sat crossed for so long. He shot a final glance at the mirror before exiting his bedroom to grab himself something to drink before doing what he was supposed to be doing hours ago.

He rushed down the stairs before making his way into the kitchen. He turned on the coffee machine and turned to the fridge while he waited. Once he scanned the contents, which mostly considered of leftover dinner he forgot about, he eventually decided upon a packet of Golia liquorice. They had never been his favourite but he was behind on going shopping and he was desperate for a snack.

"Ok, Feliciano. Get yourself together. You need to focus on work."

He grabbed his laptop before going to settle down on the couch. With a flick of a button on the remote, the TV turned on. After flipping through a few channels, he decided on one and got to working. His cat, however, decided to jump up on the couch and interupt the process.

"Itabby, come on, I'm trying to work." He spoke through light laughter. Itabby curcled himself into a ball on top of the laptop, causing random letters to appear on a seemingly important document. Feliciano sighed gently, gently rubbing just behind the cat's ear, he was never able to go against such a small and adorable animal.

"What a cute little brat cat." A voice seemed to call out from somewhere. Feliciano jumped slightly, feeling the cold sense of fear course through his veins that made him freeze in place. Itabby made no rection to the noise, continuing to sit on the laptop but now staring at his owner, most likely confused as to why they had stopped recieving affection. They pawed at their owner's hand who, in turn, shook his head and pet them once more.

"Must've been the TV." He tried to reassure himself, letting out a shaky breath.

Attention soon returned to the work at hand, Itabby now deciding to rest in their cat tower, giving him some time to get something done. He tapped away at the keyboard, writing word after word after word, trying to make it as perfect as possible so he wouldn't get it sent back and have to redo it all.

As time passed, a harsh crash fell upon the house. He started to feel something tugging at his senses. Something just didn't feel correct, like something had changed in the air, that was too loud. He quickly checked the time, he'd only been working for an hour. Nonetheless, the feeling persisted, beginning turning into a nauseous sense of something being VERY wrong. He decided to check around, just to settle feeling so he could rest his nerves. He saved the document he was writing before doing so, not wanting a repeat of the times he lost all his progress.

He made his way around the house, dipping his head in every room to quickly check. Itabby followed close behind, confused as to what his owner was doing. Eventually, he made his way up the stair and into his room. He found out what was giving him the sensation of unease. The mirror fell.

"Mannaggia a Te..." He mumbled under his breath, going to pick up the fallen item. He inspected the mirror for cracks, nothing. After quickly placing it back on the wall, he felt himself getting drawn back into the eyes that looked back at him. Magenta. He paused, rubbing his eyes to try and see if it was his eyes playing tricks on him. The reflection winked.

"Wake up, sleepyhead, you've got work to do but I promise you, we'll meet again soon." His reflection spoke.

Feliciano shot awake. He found himself sitting on the couch, laptop still sitting firmly in his lap, with Itabby staring at him. He let out a shaky breath, not realizing that he had been holding it in the first place. Soon enough, he was trying to process what just happened to him.

"Just a dream, it was just a dream."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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