Chapter one

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Authors note: Hi!! darts over here! just wanted to say that i have not edited this so if someone wants to edit or something please say so in the comments. anyways hope you enjoy?!! :) <3

2020 is not going so well....
You sit at your desk while trying to finish up your online work. School has become online since March 13th 2020 because of the corona virus. The irony of this is that Friday the 13th was the last "Normal" day. "and they say Friday the 13th is so bad" you say out loud, giggling at your own joke. You give up trying to do math and go to have a little "break". You open your phone to tik tok and of course there are edits of tank everywhere. You look at them in awe while hugging your pillow giggling at how sexy and deep his voice is. You open up the comments and you can see that everyone agrees with you. "hmph" you say in jealousy, "he's mine ladies back off". Of course you know he is never going to be yours because one you have no idea who he is and two your parents are so strict that your never even going to the protest anyways. You lay back down and start scrolling through tik tok. You passed the weird boys who are thinking that there making all the girls want to have sex with them. You also passed all the girls thinking they can dance while there legit only showing there ass. "pfft. i'm having secondhand embarrassment for them" you say as you roll your eyes. As you keep scrolling you stop at one tik tok that catches your eyes. It's the BLM protest, a poor child just got tear gassed. You frown and then turn to the comments to see what they think of this. Your face turns to disgust as you read the comments. No one thinks this is a problem and there blaming it on the parents for bringing a child to a dangerous protest. "well at least they know that the protest is dangerous because the police are there. And it's not even the parents fault the police are supposed to protect us not hurt us!" you say angrily. You then get out of tik tok and turn to instagram. everything is black because of "#blackouttuesdsy" you smile because everyone is doing it. Than you frown because BLM is not a trend it's a movement and some people are treating it as a trend. You than frown again because you feel like you're doing nothing and are useless to this protest. "ugh i wish i could go to that protest" you say in frustration. You hear your mom come up the stairs so you quickly get up and go to your desk so you can pretend your working. Your door opens and your mom comes in. "hi sweetie" she says. "hey mom" you reply. You than smile at your mother. she comes towards you and ruffles your hair a bit than kissed your head. "just wanted to let you know that dinner is on the table" she says with her bright smile. you smile at the thought of delicious food. "ok i'll be right there" you say. she nods her head than leaves the room. You than turn of your laptop and charge your phone. your eyes caught a glimpse of silly string that is on your drawer. "hmmm" you say "should i use this on my brother?....nah that would be mean" you thought as you put down the silly string and walk out the door. "SIKE" you say. you go back into your room and grab the silly string while rushing down the stairs to be at the bottom before your brother does. As you wait for him you smell the delicious food your mom made, but one smell hits you different. "mmmmm friesssss" you moan in your head at the smell. But that ended quickly as you hear your brother come down the stairs. "3.....2......1.....HA GOT YOU" you scream as you spray the silly string all over your brother. "gah" he screamed. "hehehe" you giggle in satisfaction.

Tank x Reader (soulmate AU) Where stories live. Discover now