Chapter I

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She watched the demon disintegrate as she pulled the sword back. She had been sent to the New York Institute on her travel year and had been dragged on a mission. Not that she was complaining- she had been raised in Idris until her 18th birthday, the day before she had arrived at the New York Institute.

The other three people she was with looked at her as another demon loomed behind her- she spun and plunged her sword into it, watching the black blood flow before that also disintegrated, the demon sent back to hell. The blonde boy she was with turned to interrogate a shax demon, and just as he pulled his blade back, ready to send it back to where it came from, a redheaded mundane ran out and shoved the demon out of the way. So not only had she been dragged on an unauthorised mission two hours after she had arrived, but a sighted mundane had interfered. She met the gaze of the raven-haired boy, both of them thinking the same thing- In the name of Raziel, we're going to get in trouble.

The Mundie picks up the blonde boy's seraph blade and stabs a demon- maybe she isn't a mundane after all, she thinks. But the girl looked terrified, so she went over to her, etching a persuasion rune onto her arm as a slimy, ichor-ridden tentacle wraps around her waist, lifting her off the ground with a small flick.

"Alec!" She screamed, slashing down with the blade still dangling in her right hand. Alec ran over and stabbed the demon. She watched the tentacle around her waist disintegrate and she fell the ten-foot drop to the floor, landing on her leg and left arm, sickening sounding cracks echoing throughout the room- the room that had fallen into silence at her scream for Alec.

Alec rushed over to her, rolling her onto her back and straightening out her arm and leg, reaching for his stele. He drew an Iratze on her arm, and another on her leg. She got to her feet after a few minutes, wincing at the pain and sliding her sword into the scabbard on her back. She was happy she hadn't landed on it- she sure as hell would not have survived that.

"Let's get you back to the Institute. You must not think of us very hospitable. Dragging you out on a mission two hours after you get here and battling shax demons."

"Some of them were Eidolon demons," She corrected, "And it's nice to actually be able to do something. No demons in warded cottages at the edge of lake Brocelind."

"You were in Idris?" He asked, stunned and curious.

"Yep. Best Shadowhunter of my generation. I passed the exams at the Academy a year before everyone else and then completed the course at the Scholomance in half the time the others did."

"There's a lot of stuff we don't know about you, then. Like how you're from Idris and you're a Centurion."

"Correction. Was a Centurion. No demons in Idris and I was too young to go to the other Institutes at the time. I'm part of the Clave now so it was my decision. You do realise that your Institute has the most problems with demons, right? Nearly double the amount in London. And that's saying something. London is ridden."

"Wow, no I didn't. And we dragged you along, no introductions, no nothing. I'm Alec. Alec Lightwood. Although somehow you already knew that."

"I know your mother quite well. She's close friends with mine, actually. Amatis Graymark. Although I will admit, no pregnancy in the Circle was a normal pregnancy. I have two half brothers. Two of our mothers were injected with demon blood by Valentine before we were born. The other was injected with angel blood. But I don't think he survived. That was Celine Herondale's son."

"So you're-"

"Half demon, half Angel. Well, half Shadowhunter. Because if I was pure angel and demon I'd be a faerie."

"Wow. And you can keep your demonic side controlled? Like, you don't just randomly change into a demon?"

"I've only changed into a demon three times. But my eyes change when I'm angry."

"So who is your father anyway?"

There it was. The question she had been hoping he wouldn't ask. Time to go with the cover story that her father had told her to use.

"Michael Wayland." She said a small sad smile making its way onto her face. "When he died I went to live with my mom. My brother was sent elsewhere. I haven't seen him for seven years."

The blonde boy that had been walking with them froze, going pale.

"You're father is Michael Wayland?" He asked, whispering.

"Yeah, why?" She turned to look at him.

"My father is Michael Wayland." He said, voice wavering.

"Jonathan?" She asked, her hands flying to cup his face.


"Oh by the Angel I thought you'd died." She flung her arms around him, burying her face into his neck as his arms came up to hug her back. Her actual father had posed as Michael Wayland to raise Jace- who was actually Celine and Stephen Herondale's son- and her together. Only she actually knew anything. That her twin brother was in Edom. That they both had demon blood. That Clary, her half-sister, was the redheaded mundane in the club. That Clary had the blood of Ithuriel, the Angel locked in her father's basement. That the demon blood coursing through her veins was the blood of the Queen of Edom, Lilith. That Clary's mother was going to be captured by Valentine in three days. That her and Clary's father would be involved in the kidnapping. Because their father was the one and only. Valentine Morgenstern.

Hey guys! So I've been working on this one for some time and I really hope you enjoy it! If you have any ideas of who Beatriz should end up with, comment your ideas!

Thanks for Reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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