the argument pt. three

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again, i am sorry, but i'm finally updating so be proud of me.

ben's pov

After my talk with Erica, I had to really think about what I wanted to do. Did I want to wait for Erica to be ready (if she ever will be) or do I move on? If I waited, chances are, i'm going to be waiting for a long time. If I moved on, I know I wouldn't move on with Zoe, so who? Do I just focus on myself or do I find another girl? Possibly boy? Nah. I'm not gay. I guess i'll just go with the flow.

-TiMe sKIp BeCAuSe I'm vErY pOWerFuL-

After giving it some thought, I've come to the conclusion that i'm just going to take some time to myself. I'll limit my contact to everyone and everything. I'll focus on becoming a better spy, i'll focus on getting to my desired weight, i'll focus on me.

-TiMe sKiP BeCaUsE i'M EvEn mOrE PoWeRfUl tHaN BeFoRe-

Today was the day. The first day of my long journey of focusing on myself. Today after classes, i'm going to go run some laps around the campus, then i'll have a sale for dinner, and get to bed early! This is going to be totally easy.

-TiMe sKiP BeCaUsE yOu CaN't sToP Me-

This is totally not easy. Erica is trying to talk to me and i'm supposed to be distancing myself from everyone. What the hell we gon do now? (hehe) Do I talk to her or do I try to achieve my goal? What am I even saying? Erica is trying to talk to me! "Of course we can talk later today!"

Erica stared at me for a moment before saying, "Meet me behind the shed after dinner. Do not be late." Her icy eyes pierced mine, scaring me half to death.

"Yes ma'am!" Erica didn't seem to think it was funny but let me off with only a small glare. I sighed a breath of relief when she walked away. What did I just get myself into? I tell myself i'm going to focus on myself, then i pull something like that? I'm too in love with her to stop talking to her.

wow a whole paragraph! i'm such a great writer. haha just kidding. thanks everyone for waiting and understanding. a new chapter out soon (hopefully. fingers crossed 🤞)

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