Jacksepticeye - Rainy Day

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Seán's pov

Me and Y/n were playing together in the living room, a cartoon on in the background. It was around noon and she was still in her PJs. It was a weekend so it doesn't really matter but I'd have to get her dressed soon so we can go to the store. I had to pick up some groceries. I looked up from the building blocks she was playing with to look outside. Half of the sky was grey and I'm pretty sure it was going to rain.

"Y/n." I called her and she looked up at me with her shiny e/c eyes. "We need to go to the store today, okay? So we need to get dressed."

"Okay, Daddy." She gave me a smile before getting up and waddling to her room. I followed her and quickly got her into a cute little green dress and black tights. I brushed her hair and left it down because she asked me to and then I helped her put on her little shoes. After she was ready I sat her on the couch to watch cartoons before quickly dressing myself. "Alright pumpkin, let's go."

She happily jumped off the couch and ran to me. I put her coat on her and put mine on before grabbing my keys and heading out.

The trip to the store was pretty uneventful. Had a couple of fans greet me and gush over how cute Y/n was. Y/n got shy and hid behind my leg which people loved and thought was even cuter. I payed for our things and then we were on our way home again. The skies got darker and I could tell it was going to rain soon. Y/n was excited about the thought of rain.

Once we got home I left Y/n in the car so she could watch the sky as I took the groceries inside. As I was taking the last few bags it started to rain and Y/n squealed in excitement. She wiggled in her seat until I came and got her out and let her run in the rain for a minute. She excitedly pulled on my hand and I laughed as she dragged me with her to play. Y/n was having a blast but unfortunately the rain started to pick up and if I didn't get her in soon she might get sick.

"Alright, Y/n, it's time to go inside." I said.

"Daddy no!" She started to get upset.

"I'm sorry, darlin' but we have to." I picked her up and started to head inside.

"No! Please! I wanna play!" She started to cry and it broke my heart but her health comes first. She kept crying as I brought her in, tears mixing with the rain water on her cheeks and making her already wet hair stick more to her skin. I sat on the couch with her and rubbed her back until she stopped crying and just looked out the window sadly.

"I know you love to play in the rain but if you're out there too long you'll get sick. I'm sorry you can't play more outside. But, if you're good, we can pretend the shower is rain when you take your bath tonight, okay?" She moved back to look at me and nodded with a sniffle and a wipe of her eyes. "Good girl." I gave her a little kiss on her head and she smiled. I set her down to play with her toys while I put groceries away.

Later that evening, after dinner, she was happily playing with the water coming from the shower while I gave her her bath. She seemed content when I dried her off and put her in PJ's again. She rubbed her eyes tiredly as we sat in the dimly lit living room, me laying on my back on the couch and her laying on my chest, and we watched the rain fall into we fell asleep.

It's been months since I started this 😑
But it was based on true events. It started raining when me and my mama and Gramma came back from grocery shopping and I stayed out to play in it but once it started picking up Gramma made me come inside and I cried a bit because I wanted to stay out. Can you imagine, a twenty year old crying because she couldn't go back out in the rain 😅
Anyways, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! And don't be afraid to ask for an imagine! I love writing child readers, they're so cute ÚwÙ

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