Glass Euphoria

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Holy shit I am so sorry that took so much longer than originally anticipated-

Really quick I want to thank every single one of you for bearing with such a long hiatus (I guess). So as promised, I will make this super good.

-Angel ;D



Stephen's POV

The sun greeted my eyelids to a brand new day. Unfortunately, that day was about to become the biggest one of my life. My head was still trying to wrap itself around the fact that I....I slow danced with Hosuh last night. Thanks God, you're a real homie in the love department. I rolled over to check how much time I had.


Oh balls, I guess the party last night kept me up pretty late...

I had until 5. I told myself I should just take it slow and figure out how to prepare for such a big event tonight. Maybe, writing down how I'm going to tell him, or, perhaps I should get him something? No probably not, I am literally broke.

See, I told myself that I would take my time and prepare for tonight but um....I spent the next 3 hours playing Overwatch. What can I say? I'm an epic gamer.

As I sat on the couch, I started to imagine how this was going to go. Either:

1) I chicken out

2) I tell Hosuh how I feel

3) I tell Hosuh how I feel and he reciprocates. 

Oh God I'm overthinking. It's fine, I guess I'll just wing it.

I threw on my well prepped, but also half assed outfit. It was going to be a little cooler tonight so I threw on a gray vest over my agean blue button down. Just some jeans would suffice, nothing too creative.

Hosuh had told me to just meet him at the fair, but honestly. Where's the fun in that? I quickly drove to Hosuh's house and flew up the stairs to his door. Becca answered.

"Stephen? I thought Hosuh was meeting you there?"

"Yeah that's what we planned on, but it's less trouble if I just drove him."

"Aw that's sweet. Thanks for taking the time! Come on in! Hosuh should be getting ready upstairs if you want to go see him."

"Great thank you!"

I did as Becca told me, and I headed up the stairs to Hosuh's room.

"Hosuh??" I knocked. No one responded. I couldn't hear any noise coming from inside his room so I thought. I can take a little peek around...

I walked around the familiar pastel blue room. The same plushes thoughtfully lined up on Hosuh's bed. He wasn't even in the room and my face was beginning to warm up. I was about to leave when I noticed Hosuh's closet was open. I poked my head around the door and saw a medium sized horizontal dresser inside, with color organized shirts hanging above it. I looked behind me so see if Hosuh had come back yet. You know, just in case. I opened the top drawer. Nothing but nicely folded jeans and sweatpants. I quietly opened the bottom drawer. It was filled with socks. I noticed something a little out of place. The socks in the drawer were all mostly white, pink and yellow. In the bottom corner I saw a little hint of something purple. My dorky, cliché mind thought it was a picture of me or something. I reached for it and realized it felt like rubber. What the hell? I pulled whatever it was out of the drawer.

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