Character List

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A/N- The ages/houses/jobs may be different that the Cursed Child says. I'm just putting what I think would work.

Teddy Lupin- 21, healer at St. Mungos, previous Hufflepuff

Victoire Weasley- 19, curse-breaker, previous Ravenclaw

Dominique Weasley- 16, sixth year, Gryffindor

Louis Weasley- 11, first year, Ravenclaw

Molly Weasley II- 19, auror, previous Hufflepuff

Lucy Weasley- 17, seventh year, Hufflepuff

Fred Weasley II- 16, seventh year, Gryffindor

Roxanne Weasley- 16, seventh year, Gryffindor

James Sirius Potter- 17, seventh year, Gryffindor

Albus Potter- 15, fifth year, Slytherin

Lilly Luna Potter- 12, almost 13, third year, Gryffindor

Rose Weasley- 15, fifth year, Gryffindor

Hugo Weasley- 13, third year, Gryffindor

Scorpius Malfoy- 15, fifth year, Slytherin

Harry Potter- 40, head auror

Ginny Potter- 39, previous chaser for Holyhead Harpies

Ron Weasley- 40, auror

Hermione Granger-Weasley- 40, minister of magic

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