I love you

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"Hey Em. Are you home yet?"

"No Amanda. I told you I'll call you when I get home. Stop calling me" Emma said

"I'm just making sure you are ok. You know how LA is a scary place" Amanda said

"Amanda we live a few streets from each other. I'll be fine" Emma said

"Whatever you say" Amanda said

"I'll text you. Bye bitch" Emma said as she hang up, giggling quietly.

She walked trough the empty streets. She had her hands in the pockets of her favourite fluffy jacket. Even tho it was close to summer, it was cold, which wasn't so usual in LA.

She took the quiet moment as an opportunity to think. She used to do this all the time. She would spend cold nights walking and thinking. She would also bring her, at the time only friend, Ethan.

Ethan and Emma were best friends. They both knew that they were soul mates, and they always openly talked about it. Their families thought so too. They couldn't be separated for long. But one day it just changed. Ethan started treating their friendship like it was nothing before.

It was in 8th grade. As usual, Emma was waiting for him in front of his house. They were supposed to go to school together, like they always did.


"Finally" Emma rolled her eyes sarcastically, as she let out a soft giggle. "I've been waiting for u Eteweetee" she laughed.

"Don't call me that you loser" he said

"Don't call me that you loser" she mocked him, thinking he was kidding.

He rolled his eyes, as he walked in front of her. She ran towards him to catch up, since she was always too short to catch up with him. He turned around to push her away.

"Get away from me" he snapped

"W-why?" She said, as she looked taken aback from his words.

"Because I'm not friends with you anymore" he said

She laughed. "Yeah right" she said

"Don't have to believe me" he said as he walked away.

"Wait" she said pulling his arm "Im sorry if I did something that hurt you, but can you tell me what it is" she said.

"You didn't hurt me. I'm just not friends with nerds like you. I want a beautiful girl friend. And you? Look at you. Why don't you go loose some weight first ha?" He said

She let go of his arm in tears. "Wh-why are you like this?" She cried out.

He smirked and just walked away, meeting with a group of boys.

A tear slipped down her cheek.

'Why do I feel this way' she said whiping her tears away with her sleve.

'There's no way I'm still hurt because of this'

She decided to go to a store, to buy some vine and snacks and forget about him. Once and for all.

She walked down the street passing his house. They still live so close, but never dare to talk, since they are now enemies. She only talked to his twin brother, who is now a close friend. Way better than his brother.

She easily forgot about everything as she heard someone scream behind her. She turned around to see a woman screaming in horror, pointing at a man holding a gun towards everyone.

She froze in place, as she didn't know how to react.

"Everyone give me all you've got or I'll shoot!" He yelled

She didn't hesitate to start going trough her pockets to search for everything that might satisfy him enough not to kill anyone there.

Just as she was about to give walk trough the crowd and hand him her stuff, she felt someone grab her arm and pull her back.

She immediately looked at the person and as you may guess it was 'the enemie'.

"Let me GO" she snapped.

"Calm down, I'm saving your life" he said

For some reason she shut up, and let him guide her. They hid behind the building as they heard him yell at all the people running away. Shots were fired, and the place they hid in, for sure was not the best.

"Why did you do this" she said, her chest going uo and down from all the heavy breathing.

"Can we do that later" he said

"No! I'm not going to let a stranger just do that to me. Even if you saved my life" she said.

"I'm a stranger to you?" He said

"No of course not. You are still a best friend" she rolled her eyes.

"Okay I'm sorry ok. I was 13. I didn't mean what I said. I really think we can be friends again" he said.

"Yeah that helped so much" she said

Then the shots became louder, which made Emma shake, and quietly sob. Ethan covered her mouth to prevenf her from making any noise.

Her tears fell on his hand, which made him grab her small body and pull her closer.

"We'll be fine. Its over soon" he whispered.

He felt her hug him and get closer to his ear.

"Thank you so much for doing this" she whispered, grabbing him around his shoulders.

"Your welcome Em" he said "I love you" he whispered as he felt a bullet hit his back.

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