Chapter 1 - New Adventure! (Closed)

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A/N: I am back my wonderful readers :D. It is time to start the greatest book in like ever :D So many smiles, I am so happy to start releasing this book. At the moment of the release of this chapter I am still working on the other chpaters of the story, so expect a lot soon. In this book a lot is going to happen. Also another very important note is that there is a video in the media an dI will link it here ----> You should really watch this before you start reading, only because it will give you an idea of what to expect in this second book. Anyways, READ ON!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I suppose it is easiest to start from what I know, then start for the harder.

My name is Jake, I am 16 years old. My friends are Synthia, Sam and Jamie. I love my mom. My mom is now dead. She was killed by Eris. Eris was sent by Hades. I feel like hades now wants my soul. I think he wants to have me dead.

Man this is actually a lot harder then it seems. I know now that I forever wish I was never born of a godly kind. Then I would never have to deal with this again.

I decide to call Synthia, (To see if she is alive), to see what is up, and if anything strange has happened. "Hey girl, are you okay?" I sound waaayyyy to concerned.

"Yea, what's up? Something wrong?" She seems to be worried, but for another reason.

"Ummm okay let's see. I get home to find my dog dead, a note from hades. Then I witness my own mothers death, well at least the blood that left her body. Otherwise, noooo everthing is perfectly fine." I try to say, not losing my composure. It doesn't work. I burst down into tears and I can barly hear Synthia say, "It is gonna be okay; if needed you come over here for a stay." With the attempts to calm me working.

"I'll be over at your house in five okay Synthia."

"Okay, that's fine."

I quickly try and pack everything that is nessicary for the time being, granit I know I will be able to come back here. I go out to my car, and drive straight to Synthia's house. I know not to knock cause her family doesn't care that I come over.

"So we have a lot to tell Sam and Jamie tomorrow... Plus I feel there is another adventure brewing. From what I can gather, we may have to go to hell..." I start as I go to put my stuff down on the couch.

"Yea I can tell, tho this will be interesting," Synthia goes on agreeing to what I said.

"Remeber the files we got when we first meet Jamie and Sam?" I ask quizically.

"Vaguley, but I don't remember it all to well," she confirms.

"Well tomorrow, we shal ask them about the file. In the mean time, I am realy tired and I feel as if i just went through hell... Even though hell came to me." I start getting tired.

"Yea, okay. You can sleep on the couch tonight."

"Thanks Synthia. This is why you are my best friend."

For once, the sleep was actually good. I didn't have any dreams about dying dogs, or dying parents. It still worries me tho. I am almost afarid to sleep at times, now because of the dreams that I have been having.

I wake up well, and refreshed in the morning, ready to go over to Sam's house to talk to him and Jamie. Don't know yet how we are going to tell them this information, but we will figure something out well on the way to his house.

The drive to his house is about 10 mins out from Synthia's. Riding with Synthia was very calm. We listened to Pentationx all the way to there house and that may be feel a little better. All goodness does come to an end tho. We finally arrived at his house, and step out of the car.

We walked up to the door, and knocked. Sam came to the door and let us in, I try to speak before Sam says, "It's Hades and Eris isn't it?"

Man that dude needs to cool it, he really sounds like a stalker. "Ummm yes, how did you know?" I ask the most obvious question.

"Zeus told me, he also told me what happened, but I know why you guys are here. We have an adventure to go on huh?" He quickly answers all possible questions.

"I have a feeling that this adventure is already planned out?" Now Synthia joins in asking questions.

"Yes, by now I am guessing that you remember the file I gave you guys before the first adventure right?" He asks.

"Actually, that's why we came here in the first place. To see if they have anything to do with the prophecy," Synthia chimes in.

"Yes indeed, well so we think. So far the prophecy has been off about one thing... The whole summer solstice crap, because that was suppose to happen two days ago." He seems worried. "But anyways, I have a feeling you want your mom, and dog, back. Along with everything else that could be killed by Hades wrath."

"How could we get them back? There dead," I start getting frusterated.

"No they aren't, Hades is bating us, he wants something. He only has them captive in the depths of tarturus. It will be hard, but we can get them back." Sam tries to bring my hope back.

"Well then, what do we have to do? Cause at this point, I am up to doing almost anything." I sound desperate.

"Well, to start, we have to get the three orbs of life. Each orb is an element, consiting of Earth, Water, and Fire. When we get those, we will be able to enter Hades domain. After we enter his domain, we will be able to get the Air life orb. Which in turn, we will be able to get your family out of Hell all together." He says

"What's the catch?" I ask

"Well the the Earth, and Water, orb are in Paris, France, and London, England." he starts trail off.

"Well then it looks like we are going to be doing a lot of traveling." I start to cheer up.

"Looks so. I can't wait, I love Paris!" Synthia agrees.

"Okay then, let me get it passed, and we should be all good and ready to leave for Paris by the end of the week." Sam goes off to his room.

"Well, it looks like we have a lot of bonding time these next few months," Jamie says, in a quiet manner.

"It sure seems that way," I answer Jamie.

A/N: Hey guys this is the end of Chapter 1 of my new book "An Adventure From Hell." I really hope you guys enjoy the sequel, this is actually the reason I did the hiatis in the first place. Just to make sure this book is better then the first. Now the hiatis is done, and you can enjoy my book :) Anyways, READ ON!!!

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