two. rolling the ice cream

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MID SUMMER OF 2017, the seven teens casted for the new reboot of stephen king's IT had been brought to (your state) for a few interviews, promoting their upcoming movie. the filming process had already ended just a few months prior and the press for conferences was breathing down the, majorly inexperienced, kids' necks; most of them had not been used to such exposure and increasingly growing popularity.

at the end of their stay at said state, one of the adults proposed an idea to get some ice cream, proud of the children's work so far. the kids suggested the fairly well known coldstone creamery a few blocks away, much to finn's confusion as he had never heard of the parlor, being from canada. fast forward a few months, even years, it ended up being one of his treasured memories, not only because of their high quality dessert.

the large group walked into the air conditioned and quite busy building, the crisp, sharp air immediately soothing their sweat and stress overtaken bodies.

" welcome to coldstone! " one of the workers shouted in response to the dinging bell, signaling a new customer's arrival. the crew consisted mainly of younger workers who looked for a part-time job at this time of year, all spreading from baby faced teens around the casts' age up to tanned high schoolers.

jack and finn were no doubt extremely loud with their constant horsing around, averting the darker haired boy from paying his full attention to the one girl at the counter until he actually went up for his order. and as soon as he was pushed up to the checkout to give her his desired ice cream combination, he found himself staring dumbfounded overtop the glass screen.

" idiot, you're holding up the line, " jaeden nudged him, his practiced stutter still briefly clinging to his words.

as much as finn hated the cliche actions of a love-stricken character, he literally had to shake his head curtly to snap himself out of the trance the girl put him in. " s-sorry, um, " he began before muttering a random blend of toppings to put into his chocolate ice cream. the girl in front of him giggled before sloppily putting together his order; she had only been working for at least three days and still couldn't get the hang of rolling the ice cream into a perfect ball.

he couldn't even enjoy his treat entirely because it wasn't really what he initially wanted to order. continuing to bicker with his friends inside the store where they were no longer sticky with sweat, he managed to steal a couple glances at the girl who was joking around with a co-worker behind the now empty ice cream bar. chosen, who strangely managed to catch on to everything, tugged at finn after catching his constant gaze towards the front of the room.

" you want another round or..? " everyone had then turned their attention to the two boys, to which eric began pulling out a wad of cash. finn slid the bills back to his father and shook his head.

" so then why do you keep looking that way? "

finn scoffed as he rolled his eyes, averting them down to his half finished cup of chocolate liquid. sophia then decided to pipe up.

" oh my god, he likes the girl. " she howled in her unmistakable laugh, to which the table erupted in a variety of awh's and whistles. that was when wyatt decided to get up, supposedly to order another ice cream. as the boy walked back up to the counter, him and the girl both looked straight towards finn; wyatt flashed a sly smirk on his lips while the girl's cheeks tinted pink with a coy smile.

the freckle faced boy waved awkwardly at her, then turned to bury his face in the palms of his hands, only looking back up to snap at wyatt. " why would you do that?! "

" i was only trying to help, you loser. "

thankfully, the group was about done eating and were leaving to throw away their cups and napkins. " it's not like i'm gonna see her again, " finn commented as they walked out the door with another faint ding of the bell, the (your state) heat threatening their skin as soon as the sun hit them. finn was fighting back tears, not only out of embarrassment, but also because the fact that he wouldn't actually see her again was slowly starting to creep up on him.

he thought this was the closest a fourteen year old could get to love at first sight.

| ugh shitty flashback chapter im sorry :p

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