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Althea took a gulp of water from her bottle. She'd been protesting for around 3 hours straight, and her voice was raw from shouting. 

"Black lives matter! Black lives matter!" She held her sign up to the air, which read 'ACAB - No Justice No Peace' and marched along with the crowd. Althea thought she did a pretty good job at writing on the sign, and even making a small drawing of a fist in the corner. Even though she was content with being almost at the back of the group, she began to make her way to the front lines. She swerved through the protesters and soon found herself infront of a line of cops, all dressed in riot gear accompanied with guns filled with rubber bullets.

However, what really caught Althea's eye was the 6ft tall man, covered in black gear and a black mask. Even though his identity was completely covered, he seemed strong and a great lead for the protest. He was pointing at the cops and making fun of them - even they seemed intimidated. Althea joined in with him, inviting others to help as well. They shouted insults at the cops, provoking them even more. Althea turned around to see the crowd behind her - fists raised in the air and shouting a message: ' Say his name: George Floyd ' over and over. 

"They're gonna shoot! Get back!" A woman from the crowd shouted. Althea turned around sharply to find the cops not only preparing their guns, but also equipping tear gas masks. She tried to run to the nearest sheltered area, but it was too late. Althea's eyes and throat started to fill with tear gas, causing a burning pain all over her face. Her eyes began to water and her throat began to close up. She called out for help and ran blindly, hoping someone would answer.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her by the arm. It was quite a gentle grab, yet the hand was rough. She realized it was covered with a heat resistant glove. The person quickly guided her to a quieter area and lay her down on a soft surface, which she assumed was grass. Cold milk was poured on her face, followed by a cold flannel full of water to wipe it off her eyes. 

"Can you open your eyes?" The person poured more water over her face and brushed her hair off the side of her face.

"No- It hurts too much," Althea winced as she tried to open her eyes. She tried again and succeeded. The first thing she saw was the mask of the 6ft man from the protest. However, there wasn't just one mask - there were two.

"Am I seeing double?" She held a hand to her face to rub her eyes, which she immediately regretted as the tingling pain got worse.

The second man, who was almost identical to the first, gently held her head and poured some more water over her eyes. The only difference was that he had brown dreadlocks escaping out of the mask. Her pain soothed, and she could fully open her eyes without too much pain. 

"I think she's fine now, we have to go." The first man stood up and held his hand out for Althea to take. She stood up with his help.

The second man gave a nod to the first, and they began to walk away.

"Wait!," Althea cried, "What are your names?"



THANK YOUU for reading this story! I'll be adding chapters daily <3 This story probably won't have (too much) smut because I don't really write that but i'll try to write whatever people would like <3

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