Part 2- The Life We Have Built

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Meghna started to collect herself together slowly, by wiping her tears and standing up straight. She couldn't believe what she had seen. How could her cheeku do this to her? Who was she anymore? How can someone change so much? Was the desire to be rich and powerful so strong that Naina was willing to throw her own family under the bus if need be? Meghna refused to believe that her sister could stoop so low. But how could she not? After all, she had seen everything with her own eyes and had heard everything with her own ears.

Meghna had seen Naina treat the client like he was a worthless person. Pulling his tie and making him beg at her feet similar to how Mr. Nand Kishore Chauhan used to do to other people. Meghna had heard Naina threatening the client to not collaborate with "NirDa" and if he did Naina threatened to destroy him. So no matter how much Meghna tried to believe that her sister had not changed, Meghna couldn't. All the evidence was right in front of her. She would be truly blind if she didn't see what was right in front of her.

Naina had truly become one of "them" she had become exactly like Mr. Nand Kishore Chauhan, arrogant and prideful because of her riches. She was no longer the innocent sweet little girl that Meghna once knew. She had become cunning and manipulative, her hunger for power had changed her. Suddenly this realization was too much for Meghna, she felt as though her heart was going to explode and her mind was in pieces trying to make sense of all this. Meghna just needed to get out of here. With that in mind Meghna sprinted towards her car but before she could get in the car and drive far away from this place her husband Kunal who was waiting by the car halted her movements, asking her what was wrong.

Kunal and Meghna had traveled a little bit out of Mumbai to finalize a contract with the client which would give them a steady income for years to come. The client had been late to the meeting so Kunal suggested that they should just leave while Meghna had gone to look for him. She asked around for him and someone had pointed her towards the outhouse, where she had witnessed what her cheeku had become. As she thought back to the interaction tears started to come out of her eyes.

"Meghna what happened?" Kunal asked as he wiped Meghna's tears, looking at her in concern.

"The client isn't going to come, let's go home." Meghna said making her way to the passenger seat of the car.

"Megh-." Kunal began to say trying to understand what was going on, but Meghna quickly interrupted him.

"Please." Meghna said sadly, getting the hint Kunal nodded, and both of them got in the car and drove off to their home.

During the whole car ride, Meghna remained silent while Kunal gave her worried glances here and there. When they reached their home Meghna got out of the car and hurriedly went inside with Kunal trailing behind her. Once inside the house, they were greeted by Nirmala maa.

"How did the meeting go Kunal and Meghna? Did the client agree to launch his product through your company?" Nirmala maa asked giddily with anticipation.

"The client did not come to the meeting. We do not know where he went. Hopefully, we can schedule another meeting with him." Kunal said to his mom, filling her in on what had happened.

Before Nirmala maa could say anything though, Meghna said "Let go of your hopes, Kunal. The client is never coming back. Mrs. Naina Karan Singh Chauhan made sure of that"

Kunal and Nirmala maa were both confused by what Meghna was saying. Kunal turned towards Meghna and grabbed her by the arms. "What are you saying Meghna? What do you mean by Naina made sure of it?"

"Mrs. Chauhan was there she told the client to not collaborate with us. She told him to leave and never come back. She told him that if he tried to help us she would destroy him." Meghna replied with a bitter laugh trying to hide how hurt she felt.

"Beta, I'm sure that you misunderstood. Naina would never do anything like that. Naina would never hurt you like that." Nirmala maa tried to explain to Meghna while cupping Meghna's face in both hands.

"That is exactly what happened. I'm not mistaken. I saw it with my own eyes." Meghna replied turning away from Nirmala maa.

"Meghna I think maa is right. I don't think Naina can do something like that. I really think that there is a misunderstanding." Kunal said trying to get Meghna to think calmly.

"Okay then, if you don't believe me then don't believe me. I don't need you to agree with me to know that what I saw was the truth." Meghna said angrily while storming off to her bedroom. Kunal ran in after her, only to find her crying on their bed.

"My topper I'm sorry I won't bother you again about Naina. Please forgive me." Kunal said kneeling next to the bed Meghna was sitting on, holding both her hands in his own.

"It's not that Kunal. Do you think that I want to believe that Naina could do something like this? I don't. But I saw it with my own eyes. She was-." Meghna said getting more distressed with every word she spoke. Kunal could see this and stopped any more discussion about the matter.

"Okay hush now, we can talk about this later, I promise. Right now, you just rest and then we'll have dinner in a while and then you'll cuddle with me and we'll go to sleep amongst other things." Kunal said as he maneuvered Meghna and himself onto the bed so they were both laying down.

"You always know how to make me feel better." Meghna said giggling at Kunal's sweetness.

"Of course I do, I'm your husband after all." Kunal said snuggling into Meghna. Meghna smiled happily in return.

Outside in the living room Nirmala maa was still thinking about what Meghna had said. She did not know if it was true or not. She hoped no- believed that it wasn't. Naina wouldn't harm anyone especially not her sister. Nirmala maa couldn't decide who was right and who was wrong. She just hoped that everything would resolve quickly and that they would soon be reunited with the other half of their family, wondering if her husband Nand Kishore hoped for the same to happen.

Hey peeps! I just wanted to say thank you for all the views and votes ❤. I will try to update more often. Your support motivates me to keep on writing so please do comment, vote, and like my work.

I am new to the whole posting stuff on Wattpad. So please comment and tell me how you liked the story and also give me constructive criticism.🙃

Keep reading and stay healthy!❤


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