Chapter 9

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Jungkook's POV

Once Euphoria had finished and I did my ending pose, I prepared for an epic scolding session. I could see our dance coach tense up as we made eye contact. "Yah Jungkook-ah, do you really think this is a joke? If you want to joke around and make all the mistakes in the world as if you're a child who doesn't know much, then why are you even here?" The coach questioned. My mind was sorta blank, but I just tried to apologise.

"I'm sorry coach, I will try harder in the future," I said meekly.
"I hope you do, or you will have to face the consequences. Anyways, since we're running out of time, Jungkook, you only need to do it once today and tomorrow after the members finish I want you to stay behind and practice until you get it right. Understood?" The coach asked. I nodded and sat in the corner to watch Jimin hyung dance to Serendipity.

He was so graceful, yet his vocals were on point. Maybe I don't deserve to be an idol. I'm just a useless piece of rubbish. I'm fat, ugly and have no talent whatsoever. I don't even know why I got chosen by 7 different companies in the first place.

"They probably chose you because you were once a hard working little boy. But ever since you graduated, you've been lazy and just been acting terrible and bratty to the others,"

Yes voice, you are absolutely right. That's why they hate me. I'm just terrible...


The rest of dance practice was basically ok, just me sitting in the corner looking gloomy and my mind extra stressed. I just wanna run into my hyungs and hug them and get embraced in their body warmth. But I already know that's not gonna happen.

Anyways, i followed everyone back into the van, and once again blasted IU's songs in my airpods. I already knew that the hyungs are gonna scold me once we got home, so I decided to be prepared for the worst. After they finish, I can go and get ready for the 97 liner dinner later tonight.

time skip to when they get home...

Once we got home, I put my bag down and got prepared for the worst. I saw how Hoseok hyung gave me the death glare. "Yah Jungkook-ah, are you really that stupid to mess up your whole solo? I mean Namjoon and Jin did way beter then you for goodness sake!" He shouted at me. all I could do was look down and feel guilty.

"And the worst part is, you're not a little anymore, so I seriously don't understand why and how you kept messing up. I mean if you were a little, it'll make sense why, as you're younger than you usually are. But you aren't a little, so just grow up and be more responsible for god's sake as you're already a freaking 22 year old man!" Yoongi hyung exclaimed towards me, overhearing what Hoseok hyung said before.

'You aren't little anymore,' stuck in my head. Yes, I guess i shouldn't be little anymore. I bet Woojin and the rest of SKZ are probably just pretending that they like me, but in reality they actually hate me. I was deep in thought until Namjoon hyung spoke up, "are you just gonna stand there, looking down and not even apologise? How pathetic."

I couldn't stand being called pathetic by my hyungs, so I made the courage to look up and make eye contact with them. "I'm sorry hyungs. I really did try my best, but for some reason I kept on making mistakes. I promise I'll try harder next time," I said. 

Yoongi hyung scoffed, "if you were really trying your best, then why did you crack your voice so many times? Why did you mess up your footwork? You know what Jungkook, just get out. I SAID GET OUT!" He yelled. So with tears in my eyes, I quickly ran upstairs to my room, and sobbed on my bed. I looked at the time; it was 6:30. I have like around half an hour to get ready for dinner, and take the metro to Gangnam, which is where SM is located.

I washed my face (as it was red and had tear stains from me crying earlier), and put on some all-black clothes and a mask. I got my bag, and went downstairs, where i saw Jin hyung cooking dinner for everyone. "Where do you think you're going?" He half yelled at me. Frick, can't he just let me go wherever I want? They said I'm already 22 years old!

"I-I'm going t-to have dinner w-with t-the 97 liners," I stuttered out. He nodded and went back to cooking. I headed out the door, and went inside the nearest metro station. I hopped on the brown express line (A/N: sry idk which colour line it actually is, but let's just pretend its the brown line), which will take me directly to Gangnam. On the train, I opened my phone to see the 97 liners talking about who was there and who wasn't.

On Jungkook's phone:

Yugyeom: You guys here yet? Me and Bambam are already here

Jaehyun: I'm on my way, like around 10 minutes away from SM

Mingyu: Of course you can get there quickly, your dorm is only like 15 minutes away from SM

Jaehyun: Yeah true

Me: I'm on my way

Bambam: How are you getting here Kook? Your dorm isn't very near to SM. It's quite far, I should say...

Me: I'm taking the metro. Like around 20 minutes from arriving

Bambam: Ohhhh I see

Eunwoo: I'll be around 15 minutes late today as I just finished dance practice and I'm On my way to the dorm

Yugyeom: Ok I see. How about the SVT boys?

THE8: We're getting out of the dorm now, we had to wait for DK as he took a really long time to get ready

Mingyu: Yup. Really long... Too long!

DK: Calm down, Dino wanted something from me

Mingyu: Yeah yeah sure thing...

Jaehyun: I'm here guys, I see Gyeom and Bam at the window. See the rest of you soon!

THE8: Ok bye guys!

Eunwoo: Bye!

And i closed my phone. Once I reached my stop, I got up and headed out of the train, out of the station and saw SM, along with the bbq shop we were eating at today.

Wooooo! It feels like a thousand years since i last updated right? well sry bout that, I've been busy and idk why but i didn't really feel like writing. Also, sry if there are weird typos or places where there was supposed to be a capital letter without a capital or misused puncuation, as i wrote most of this chapter with my macbook and for some reason theres no autocorrect.

but i hope u enjoyed the chapter. Ok bye!!!!!!!!

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