July -4

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Making this 6 parts so it could be 7 chapters all together because July is the seventh month lmao.

I can not believe there's only two chapter leftttttt gah this is insane.

This is a pretty big chapter

Cheryl's pr is in the picture above.

Comment and vote throughout and on the last chapter comment if we want a sequel I'll consider it.

*three days after the interview*

"I don't understand why I have to have a pr Toni had the hickeys too?" Cheryl groaned as she looked down as Kevin talked to her about the boy that would be here in a few hours to do a pr stunt.

"Because Cheryl the label said for YOU to have a pr not Toni. Plus it'll only be for a few months and then you break up and the whole choni things will go away."  Kevin explained sitting beside her in the lobby of the hotel.

"Just a few months?" Cheryl sighed looking up.

"Yes four months and boom you're free." He nodded and as he did some a boy walked through the doors. Cheryl turned her head and immediately realized him from the magazines the girls were in he'd be in the next page as a upcoming singer.

"Dylan hi how've you been?" Kevin smiled and got up to shake the boys hand. The boy was in a yellow sweater with a rose in the front of it. He had shorter blue hair he kept pushed down on his forehead and blacked ripped jeans.

"This is Cheryl blossom," he pointed to the 17 year old girl on the couch who stood up to shake his hand. But instead the boy put up his fist to do a fist bump. Cheryl rose an eyebrow but bumped his fist and as she did he made an explosion sound.

"Very mature." Cheryl smiled a little teasing the boy.

"What? No pft that's how I get all the celebrities that are forced to date me to like me," he waved her off with a grin.

"Mm charming." Cheryl rolled her eyes and looked at Kevin. "What exactly are we doing today?" Cheryl asked and Kevin nodded as too say he was about to say it.

"There's a coffee shop just down the street and I've already called paparazzi so they should be there right when you sit down. Just keep your arms around each other hold hands and maybe even throw in a kiss." He smiled at the two as if what he said wasn't that serious. But to Cheryl it was serious. She didn't want to kiss him or hold his hand, she wanted to kiss Toni and hold Toni's hand.

"I won't kiss you if you don't like it I don't care about the pr." He whispered to Cheryl who shook her head thankfully.

"Get going." He waved and Cheryl and the boy gave an awkward smile before exiting the hotel.

"So who is he?" Dylan asked looking at the shorter girl. Cheryl has her hair straightened so it was neatly spreader on her shoulders and back. She had light makeup on, a white knitted sweater, leggings, and white vans. She dressed casual as possible.

"Excuse you?" Cheryl raised an eyebrow looking at the blue haired boy. He was attractive she'd give him that and by the looks of it he didn't want to do anything Cheryl wasn't comfortable with.

"Well one , There's hickeys on your neck." He shrugged with a small grin.

"I burned myself." Cheryl quickly lied.

"Two, you look upset like you dont want to kiss other boys upset." He listed as they walked down the sidewalk towards the supposed coffee shop.

"Three, you're denying it which is the biggest 'yeah I'm dating someone but don't want anyone to know' sign ever." He listed his final reason.

July ( short choni au) Where stories live. Discover now