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Later on the there was one bed needed in the adults room and kids room but there was only one extra bed so Lilly let the grownups have the extra bed but there was a problem in the kids room there was on three double beds and a big couch but Lilly did not want Louie to sleep on the couch the others could manage because they were happy with the decision.

"So, guys how are we gonna sleep". Lilly asked while putting all the bags on the floor.

"Oh my gosh! A sleep over". Webby said hugging Dewey.

"Yay!". Lilly said throwing her hands in the air.
"And I will sleep on the couch". Louie said and everything was settled.

When the grown ups went to the laboratory with the 14 year old teen they saw a large laboratory with all the equipments any scientist could have wanted everyone started to search about everything they knew about Bermuda triangle, it was not much they could find, but one detail caught Lilly's eyes in a book it was written that the stone of blue ball change and let anyone time travel to any place which made Lilly's eyes go wide with excitement but it was not easy to retrieve that stone. "Everyone I found it, I found a way for all of you to return back to home". She said grabbing everyone's attention.

"Very good lad, we well what does it say, tell more". Scrooge said excitement filling his eyes, while Lilly kept going on.........

"The place where the stone is hidden is a place forbidden for people as cunning as a fox
Beware about the consideration, huh? It gives us a map to follow it somewhere in this world but it looks like it says that we have to go at a fixed time, I think why is this small gem attached to this map". Lilly said but then Louie pointed at her necklace which started to glow with the other gem and the map which was unfinished was now completed, it was like a miracle.

"Wow! I think we have seen a lot magic for today kids now let us go to sleep". Scrooge said and Della agreed so everyone started to go to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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