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*Jayde's POV*
After giving him my number I drove off and went home but when I walked in my parents start yelling soon as I opened the door
Candice: Are you serious Jayde?
Jayde: Fuck

Michael: Ma'am that's not what you need to be saying
Candice: Out of all the jobs this what you choose to be everybody here has a normal job then there's you
Jayde: Girl what? First of all you're never even here so you shouldn't be nothing to me let's get that in check first second yes that's what I choose because I'm not trying to wait every pay check to do things with I'm helping y'all pay these bills so why is there a problem
Candice: I'm never here cause I- GIRL STFU I AINT GOT TO EXPLAIN SHIT TO YOU
Jayde: man you doing the most for nothing dude
Michael: get out
Jayde: what
Michael: No child of mine bout to be a stripper so get out
Jayde: That's coo but fck everybody in this house y'all gone need me everybody in this house happy cause of me I keep this shii together
Summry: nooo I don't want you to go
Wynter: y'all can't do her dat
Jayde: it's okay I still got y'all I promise
Jayde's POV
I got in my car with some of my stuff and called Kind
Kind: what's wrong it's 2 in the morning
Jayde: they found out...
Kind: and?
Jayde: guess who's houseless?
Kind: aww man imma see if moms will let you stay here hold on
Jayde: Fr? Thank you and tell her I won't be there long I'll get a apartment in the next 3 days
Kind: she said come on and if you need to stay longer it would've been fine

I love Kind's momma she has always been there for me when my momma not around which is all the time 🙄
*Kind's House*
Ms. Rasheda: Hey bby
Jayde: Hey ma thank you😭
Ms. Rasheda: np bby you can get whatever room btw Kind sleep
Jayde: okay gn
Ms. Rasheda: love you boo
Jayde: love you too
Bruh I'm so tired I'll fix this stuff in the morning
*Monday morning*
Unknown number calling
Jayde: Who tf? It's mad early bruh hello
?: Good morning
Jayde: Who this?
?: Damn my number not saved? This Maurice
Jayde: oh my bad I had a lot going on when I left last night but wassup
Maurice: You work today?
Jayde: No
Maurice: Alright send me yo address be ready by 7:30
Jayde: Where we going?
Maurice: It's a secret
Jayde: That was so lame 😂
Maurice: rude omg
Jayde: 😂😂eww but imma get ready and see if you know how to date
Maurice: If I don't you can teach me how to date but I'll be there at 7:45 love
Jayde: ok
I started getting ready at 6:20 .....whew let's see how this go

Ion really like this book but imma keep it going💕

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