The dinner that never was

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"Babe come on we're going to be late!" Andrej yells from the other side of the door. "Hold on!" I snap smoothing my black pencil skirt down over me. I want to look my best so if that means stare at myself in the mirror until something changes, then dammit that's what I'll do. "Patience is a virtue you know." Busting through the door he readjusts his tie before pulling me from the bathroom,"It's not a virtue today, let's go." "Oh someone is grumpy!" I tease feathering kisses across his cheek. "You're cute when you're mad Andrej." "Yeah well I'm about to get real freaking adorable." He huffs leading us to the garage starting the car. Sheesh someone is nervous. I've never seen him so bent out of shape, it doesn't suit him at all.

Pulling out of the garage we speed down the ride, him making sharp turns down the winding road leading away from our house. "Hey hotshot what's the rush?" Fidgeting with the stray string on my skirt he sighs shaking his head,"It's just that...well this is a very important dinner. It has to do with uh with us actually." He grips the bridge of his nose. "Gia I'm not like most people. You wondered about my life so I've decided to, oh shit!" A giant black Hummer side sweeps us. It happens in slow motion, one minute we're on the road cruising next thing we're spiraling out of control off of the road tumbling down a hill landing in the lake below.

I'm completely in shock from the ice cold water prickling every part of my body. Kicking the window out of the passengers side I swim out turning around to see if Andrej is still in the car. But he's no where to be found instead there is a big gaping hole in the windshield. Oh god he got ejected fron the car! My chest tighten from lack of oxygen, fighting the urge to pass out I swimm to the surface through the murky, blood stained water.

Taking in the deepest breath of air ever the haze in my mind clears, next step find Andrej. On high alert I tread through the water shivering,"andrej!" I yell, my throat burns so bad I don't think I'll be trying that again. My legs feel like jello, my whole body is going numb. I'm so tired, I just"

Something furry hovers over me running its muzzle up and down my face taking in multiple deep breaths grunting and whining. This isn't right...I remember being in an accident on the side of the road which means I'm still there, but what the hell is standing over me? I'm afraid to open my eyes,if on that off chance its a bear or deer or eew a opossum those things are disgusting!

There's a weird ruffling of leaves to the left of me but I stay stiff as a board. "You can open your eyes babe." Babe? Is that my name or something, it doesn't matter maybe if I just lay here he'll leave me alone. "Fine then I'll just carry you." He grumbles his beautiful deep velvety voice almost draws a smile on my face until I remind myself I'm supposed to be unconcious. Dumbass

Picking me up bridal style muscular arms wrap around me clutching me close to a firm hot chest. I mean temperature wise, he was really warm! Which is awesome because I'm freezing! "I can't believe I found you, I thought you died." He whispers rubbing his face against mine. What is he talking about I don't know this man. Ohgod what if he's a crazed serial killer and I'm his next victim!? My heart pounds in my ears and hot tears sting down my face.

"Oh no no don't cry Gia, I'm sorry this happened to you we were just su-" "Wh-who's Gia?" I question sniffling wiping the tears from my eyes. He stops dead in his tracks, "Baby that's you, you're Gia Carrington don't you remember?" Shaking my head no he growls," You need a doctor." Now I'm really scared.

"Doc what's wrong with her why doesn't she remember me?" "Well the trauma of the car accident has left her in a state of amnesia and...well there's no eady way to say this but all this stress of being in freezing water all night made her body temporarily shut down. She's mostly fine but, her- she's blind."

What the hell is he talking about my eyes are open right now just everything is black. Where the hell is the light in this place? My hands immediately spring up t touch my face, there's gauze wrapped around my eyes! No wonder I can't see, relieved I start unwrapping it piece by piece. Finally! Sheesh. Opening my eyes things go from black to milky white...that's it that's all I see a milky white blob. No outlines of anything nothing, I am blind!

Like a switch has been turned on I lose it. Screeching at the top of my lungs I jump from the bed ripping the wires out my arms an alarm to the right of me goes off but I don't care. I can't fucking see and I don't even know where I am! "SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!" I cry hitting my leg on something hard falling to the ground. What am I going to do now!?

A door opens then closes infront of me I sit back on my knees shivering and bawling my eyes at out. "I-is someone there? P-p-please help." I squeak between numb lips, no one answers. "Look I heard you come into the room, the least you could do is help me out." I snap biting my lip listening for any movement.

The a screeching sound like a chair across the floor slides to my right so on all fours I crawl i that direction. When I reach it the sound stops, then the sound of springs being jumoeped on sound adjacent to me. Reaching an unsure hand out a soft material greets my hand shocking me I pull away quickly. Hestiantly I place my hand back smoothing it across the bedspread. Leaning on it I stand up getting on the bed, but I'm not the only one on it.

Taking in a deep calming breath a smile breaks across my face,"You could've helped me you know?" "Mhm I could have, but your sight is gone not your other senses." That same angelic voice from earlier says, "Y-you helped me get here?" "Yep." "Why?" The room goes silent again and for whatever reason I have the strangest urge to reach out and touch this man's hand. My hand searches the bed until I come in contact with an usually warm callused hand. "You found me." He whispers leaning his forehead againt mine. "Baby I am so sorry for this, all of this. I'll figure all of this out." That's great and alk but why does he keep calling me baby, I'm defenitely not a baby.

"Why are you calling me that?" He gulps loudly,"Because you are, we uh we're dating I'm your boyfriend." His voice shakes as he explains the car accident but I just I just can't wrap my mind around it. I remember the car accident..well I remember water and him carrying me but that's it. I don't remember him or anything. "Did you break up with me?" "What no never Gia you're mine and I'm just getting you back, even if you don't remember who you are I'll help." He cooes interlocking his fingers with mine pulling me to him but I resist. "What are you doing." I pancic gripping the bed, "Relax baby I just want to hold you,trust me I'd never hurt you."

"Okay." I mouth. He pulls me by my waist on top of him laying back across the bed. "I'm so sorry Gia, I'll make it uo to you." "Can you get my eyesight back?" I say hope coating my voice. His body shakes and water droplets hit my cheek, I made hi cry what for? Reaching my hand up to touch his face I slide it over his mouth him kissing each of my fingers. My fingers trace the outlines of his face, smoothe for the most part a strong set jaw . "No baby I can't give that back to you." Shrugging once I blow it off, really right now I feel worthless.

What's the point of even exsisting when I remember nothing about me and I can't see. To create a distraction to the sad atmosphere it occurs to ne I never figured out what his name is. "Um who are you anyways?" "Gia I'm your boyfriend we already discussed this." "N-no I mean what's your name?" "Oh...I'm Andrej Hernandez. You're living with me now okay? So get comfortable I'll be right back."

Gripping his shirt I shake my head frantically,"No no no please don't leave me, I'm scared." "Okay baby okay I'll stay with you." Kissing me all over my face from my nose to my chin he wraps a cover over us snuggling me into his chest. "Get some sleep, the doctor said for you to get plenty of rest and food and water so I'm taking timw off to be dedicated to you." Why i he telling me all of this? "Thank you." I say breaking the silence,"For what?" "Rescuing me." "That's only half the battle baby, you're mine and I'll protect what's mine." His lips connect with mine, I turn my head quickly bringing my hand to my mouth. I've never been kissed before! I mean well not like I'd remember anyways. It was just a soft sweet kiss, licking my lips I smirk to myelf.

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