It's like do or die💀
When Mr Jimin, the head of the Central Board Of Investigation takes up the duty to find the gang of robbers who are consistently threatening the police with unresolved cases, he coincidentally falls in love with his prey, Mr Jk...
Feels like I need a good bath and a call to my dudes in the bank....
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Jungkook was travelling like a boss in Jimin's private van as he was being bestowed upon his place itself . He did see the commotion there as they noticed the absence of fingerprints. He did feel a knife stabbing his heart when he saw Jimin's stunned face. Jungkook made to spray himself with some perfume from one of the guard's pockets so the chauffeur and neither the personal investigation staff smelled ammonia on him.
Jungkook smirked to himself recollecting how he had planned it all like a pro.
Thirty minutes before Jimin arrived.
Jungkook made sure to change himself like a detective expert. He tore a part of his blue jeans and wiped off all the black dirt on his face . Then he cut off some of the parts of his blue jeans and made sure to make it look like a new stripped pant that teens wore usually. He was lucky enough to find a T-shirt of a girl hanging on the balcony line behind the house of the woman. He took it and wore it above his beggar disguise and he made sure to tie the handkerchief with his torn clothes to make sure to form a hat like structure on his head.
With his phone held in his hand like a route map, he walked to the front of the van so that he made an appearance in front of the Forensics department in the beginning.
He felt like fate was on his side because the van was crowded then with about a thirteen people roaming through the van . He knew as to getting inside like a cafe person would be a mistake o suspicion so he grabbed a mask and the lab coat of a laboratory dude who was resting on the bench (Thanks to him~~~)near the entrance of the van and he made his entry inside.
He pretended like one of the laboratory assistants and because everyone was too busy with their own work, none actually gave a care about him in his perfect disguise . So Jungkook made sure to walk through by pushing them to the sides . He spilled the ammonia in small quantities and almost immediately sprayed a higher concentration of baking soda so the ammonia odour was absorbed almost immediately.
But that wasn't enough to stop the highly catching smell of ammonia.
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