Chapter 4: First Contract

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Rias: Well Ms. L/N, what do you say?

Rias asked with a smug smirk as she crossed her arms under her voluptous chest, confidant that she would be able to sway the "human" to her side as a member of her slave grou- um u mean "Peerage". That was until Y/N started to giggle, then chuckle, then laugh maniacally with a ganged grin, her eyes giving off a menacing blue glow.

( basically this but feminine)

Every single member of the ORC, even the stoic Koneko felt chills of fear go down their spines. Y/N smirked seductively and sashayed over, putting a slight sway to her hips, causing Koneko to blush slightly, Akeno lick her lips lustfully and Kiba look away nervously as a soft blush spread across his cheeks. Issei drooled perversely as Rias got a small nose bleed. Y/N got close to her and put her hand under Rias's chin so she looked up at her and her face drifted dangerously close till their faces were almost touching, causing Rias to blush furiously, eagerly waiting for her response.

(Like this but standing up)

(Like this but standing up)

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Y/N: No.

Rias blinked in confusion. Perhaps she misheard her.

Rias: I-I'm sorry? W-What did you say Ms. L/N? I think I might've misheard you.

Y/N backed up a few steps with her hands in her pockets, a playfully mocking smirk on her face.

Y/N: Ya fuckin' deaf Red Hot? I said no. I'm not going to join your Peerage.

Rias couldn't believe what she was hearing! No-one ever would've refused to join a Devil's Peerage. They'd be throwing away immortality, potential for power, unimaginable wealth and so many other benefits!

Rias: B-B-But why?! Why not?! I-I'm sure that I can give you anything you want! Money! Power! Women! Anything at all, just name your price!

Y/N smirk only grew more.

Y/N: Sorry Gremory, but no matter what you offer me, I'll never join a Peerage or take orders from anyone.

Y/N's smirk then suddenly turned into a sad melancholy smile and Rias could see pain and grief and a myriad of other intense emotions in her eyes as she absently rubbed her wrists.

Y/N: No....I made that mistake once before, I'll be damned if I ever make that mistake again....

Y/N was snapped out of her brooding thoughts by the sound of Rias sniffling softly. He glanced at her to see that she was about to start crying! Y/N sighed softly in irritation as she scratched the back of her head sheepishly.

Y/N: Ugh dammit...Stop cryin' Red Hot, it doesn't suit you. How about this? I won't join your Peerage, but how about I be....Maybe an unofficial member of the Occult Research Club and an ally of the Gremory Clan?

Rias stopped sniffling and look up at Y/N shocked.

Rias: W-What?!

Y/N: You heard me. I'll become your ally and an unofficial member of the ORC. I mean, it'll just be boring if I live a normal regular highschool life, am I right?

Y/N said with a small but oddly sincere smile, causing Rias to blush slight but smile back.

Rias: Alright Ms. L/N-

Y/N held up a hand, interrupting her.

Y/N: Please, call me Y/N. I prefer to be on a first name basis with friends.

Rias: Alright then Y/N. Today will be Issei's first job as a Devil. Devil's collect power by forming contracts with humans and receive compensation for it. Nowadays, no one manually draws magic circles to summon Devil's, so we just hand the circles out to potential contractors. If it's okay with you Y/N, I'd like you to accompany Issei on his first contract to ensure that things go smoothly and keep him safe.

Y/N rolled her eyes playfully and shrugged her shoulders indifferently.

Y/N: Eh, why not? I got nothing better to do.

Issei immediately jumped up with an indignant look on his back.

Issei: But Pres! I dont want this bitch following me around ans making fun if me every time I mess up!

Rias fixed him with a smirk.

Rias: How about this then? If you do a good job I'll let you touch my breasts~

As if a switch went off in his brain Issei saluted with a dum b perverted grin on his face.

Issei: Aye President!

He then ran out if the club laughing like a otaku weeb who finally got a real non-bodypillow girlfriend. Y/N rolled her eyes and followed him.

(Timeskip brought to you by Y/N punching Issei in the dick)

So it turns out that the contract Issei was went to do was for a creepy otaku who gave off a serious pedophilia Pedo-Bear vibe. Y/N tuned out their conversation by putting on a pair of headphones and listening to some Starset.

After the job was done they went back to the ORC to see Koneko eating a piece of chocolate and Rias wrapped in a towel while drying her hair, apparently having just got out of the shower. After that Y/N bade Farwell to the ORC for the day. She sighed softly and opened the door to her house, took a shower and went to sleep. Perhaps things would get interesting tomorrow.

(Hey everyone I'm sorry for the wait, I was dealing with some writer's block, so I hope you understand 😓. This might seemed rushed 'cause I couldn't really get a good hold on what I wanted this chapter to be about, I'll try and do better by next chapter. Anyway I hope you all enjoy this chapter of Astral Chaos Incarnate. This is Dabowers0799 logging off.)

Astral Chaos Incarnate: A Highschool DxD x futa OP Celestial Dragon reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now