Rule 12

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No one's POV

"(Y/N)," whispered Tony, "stay concentrated."

(Y/N) glared at the Italian, snapping back at him instantly. "Tony, I have been awake for more than 24 hours working this damn case without any lead. I haven't had a coffee in the last," (Y/N) looked down at her watch, "two hours and I'm finding it hard to concentrate with you saying my name every minute. So please stop concentrating on me and then maybe I'll be able to concentrate better!"

Tony rolled his eyes as (Y/N) tried to go back to her work, not noticing that McGee was staring at her. Dinozzo noticed McGee's gaze though and narrowed his eyes.

"McProbie! A word please," Tony called out, breaking Tim out of his trance.

"What do you want now?" McGee asked, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at the man. "A word, now come with me, my dear friend," Tony answered, standing up from his seat and grabbing McGee, dragging him into the corner underneath the stairs, out of the bullpen.

(Y/N) looked up questioningly as the two boys walked out of the bullpen, but unfortunately, Tony gave nothing away as he walked past (Y/N), McGee, on the other hand, mouthed "help me," as he passed her desk.

McGee's POV

Tony gave me a weird look as soon as we were out of the bullpen, he dragged me even more until we got to the corner underneath the stairs.

"What do you want Tony?" I asked, exasperated already by the man.

Tony looked at me with a questioning gaze. There was a moment of silence before he spoke. "Just what are your feelings for (Y/N)?" he asked simply, his eyes searching my face.

I looked away immediately, I felt my face burning and I couldn't answer, I mean, I don't even know what my feelings are for (Y/N) myself, so what could I tell Tony?

"Oi McLovestruck! Answer the question," Tony called out, pulling me from my thoughts. I cleared my throat and answered, avoiding eye contact with him. "I-I don't know," I stuttered out.

Tony fixed me with a calculating look for a few moments and then spoke; "You do, you know you do. You like her, don't you? Actually, I'd even take it as far as using the 'L' world. You love her, don't you McGee?"

Whilst Tony spoke, I felt something inside me stir, courage surged through me. Without thinking, I answered him; "Yeah Tony, for once, you're right. I do love her." I paused for a second to take a deep breath, "and I'm going to ask her if she'll go out with me sometime."

Tony laughed as he patted my arm. "Go get yourself the girl mister McLoverboy," he said while walking into the bullpen, (Y/N)'s eyes travelled from Tony to me as we sat down at our desks.

Reader's POV

"What's going on?" I demanded, looking at McGee's flushed face and Tony's straight face. "Did you two have a fight?" I asked, starting to stand up as the two men just looked at me.

"Sit down (Y/N)," Gibbs said as he strode into the bullpen. The other two jumped into action, running through all the breakthroughs in the case so far as I stood there and gazed at McGee.

Timothy started talking geek and the two just stared at him with confused and irritated faces. He carried on until he realised that they had no idea what he was talking about and then he had to go over it again but making a lot less complicated.

"He's so God damn cute," I whispered, looking at McGee, not realising all three boys were now staring at me.

McGee caught my eye and we both started holding eye contact, it felt like he was looking into the depths of my eyes as I did the same. Gibbs and Tony looked between McGee and me, Tony with a wistful look and Gibbs with a half-amused, half-annoyed look.

"Oi!" called out Gibbs, cutting through the silence, "Rule 12!"

It felt like a slap to the face. I remembered...damn... '#12 - Never date a co-worker.'

I'm surprised you couldn't hear my heart practically break in that moment. McGee held a poker face as Gibbs strode towards his desk.

McGee's POV

I forgot about that...that rule, well, that rule definitely just messed up my chances with her forever. I looked over at her and she had a slight frown on her face.

"Forget about it, break it, I don't care, just don't mention it to Vance. Now, I've got to go down to Abby so make it quick, I want to see this happen."

I looked at Gibbs as if he was from a different plant. Was he being serious? (Y/N) looked at me, as if she could think the same as what I was thinking. I started to walk towards her and stopped in the middle.

"Come on McGee, get on with it," Gibbs said as Tony drew out his phone. By this point, I was way past caring.

"(Y/N)?" I asked, "Will you be my...girlfriend?"

(Y/N) looked at me with a flushed face and she whispered so quietly that I had to think about what I heard to be sure. "Yes..."

Gibbs and Tony started clapping and laughing. Gibbs walked past me, clapping me on the back, saying, "well done probie," as he then continued walking down to the lab.

"I am so glad I recorded that," Tony laughed as he walked back to his desk. (Y/N) laughed as she pulled out her phone and started typing.

A few seconds later, I received a text saying: 'Tonight 6 PM, my house? X'

I looked over my desk to (Y/N)'s and saw her smiling at me. I smiled back and texted back a 'Yes! X'

He phone pinged and she looked down at it, a bigger smile than before appearing on her face. This was going to...different.

Rule 12 (NCIS McGee x Reader Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now