Chapter 8

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There was a big party thrown in one of the mafia bosses private mansion, lots of the family heads were invited to this party.

Namjoon and Jin sat inside their limousine in a comfortable silence. Both men dressed elegantly, looking handsome and powerful as always.

"Are you sure we can find Hotoke here?" Jin asked looking at his husband.

"Yeah, Don't worry." Namjoon answered coolly looking outside the window. Jin nodded and also looked away.

"We're here sir" their driver informed them opening the door for them a few gaurds accompanying them. Namjoon took Jin's hand in his and made their way inside the mansion.

A middle aged man in suit was there to welcome them he pulled Namjoon in his arms,

"Ah Namjoon it's been ages since I last saw you my friend." The man smiled and patted his back.

"Andrew!" Namjoon greeted smiling at him, he then stepped aside and gestured for Jin

"Please meet my husband, Jin."

"My goodness, it's such a pleasure to see you Jin." Andrew shook Jin's hands

"Pleasure is all mine sir." Jin smiled politely.

Namjoon noticed how all the women and some men were looking at him and Jin, particularly Jin. He didn't blame them though, with his hair dyed purple he looked ethereal, an angel, for real.

"You find yourself a quite charming person Namjoon I gotta admit. I heard you have a daughter too, where is the little monster?" Both men chuckled while Jin only smiled.

"Yeah (y/n), she's not interested in this kind of events. But I will bring her here some other time to visit you."

"Ah yes please do. I have quite alot of embarrassing stories about her father to tell, I'm sure the child would like to hear them" Andrew said laughing.

"My my I lost the track of time sorry to keep you standing here please enjoy yourselves." Andrew said playfully winking at Jin before walking away to greet his other guests.

"I didn't know you were this close to the host." Jin said watching a simle forming on Namjoon's face.

"Yeah I...uh...I guess you can say that. He's an amazing man always helping me back then." He looked at Jin smiling lazily showing his dimples

"You look stunning tonight love." Jin rolled his eyes but smiled nevertheless.

"I know, you don't look bad yourself."

"RM, Jin, you guys hear me?" It was Hoseok's voice, speaking through the microphones  they had.

"Loud and clear. Are you set?" Namjoon muttered.

Hoseok was sitting in a van a few streets away from them watching them through security cameras placed in mansion which he hacked. He looked over his shoulder at Jungkook who was sitting in driver's seat drinking banana milk, looking dead serious. It was almost funny, drinking banana milk with that face, ready to kill at any moment.

"Yup, we're all set. Watch out, Hotoke just arrived with a few of his men" Hoseok warned them watching as Hotoke entered the mansion too greeting some people though they didn't exactly looked pleased to see him there.

"Ok. Suga?" Namjoon called

"I'm ready." He was watching through the scope of his sniper rifle _ AWP_ . He could clearly see everything through the huge windows of the house. He was in a building a few blocks away from the location of the party.

Blood Thicker Water [Taehyung x Reader! Mafia Au]Where stories live. Discover now