Truth or dare🤪

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There was a knock at the door. I go to open to see...

End of recap
I opened the door to see the boys standing in my porch.

You: what are you guys doing here

Jonah: we are here to watch movies with you guys

You: umm sorry to cut it to you guys but it's a bestie date. No boys allowed

Jack: a little company wouldn't hurt

I stood there so they couldn't get in. Until corbyn picks me up and throws me on his shoulder and the start walking in.

You: corbyn put me down you ass hole

Corbyn: no

Well if he won't put me down I guess I will have to make him.

I then slap the shit out of his ass

Corbyn: OWW

You: Told you to put me down

Corbyn: I got you. Watch your back

The boys walk in and sit down. Zach run straight to Katie

Katie: oh.. hello Zach

Zach: Heyy

Katie: okay this is awkward kiddo

Zach: yea

They then sit down and we just watched movies. Me and Katie sat next to eachother. And the boys were scrambled all over the floor.

Time Skip!

Katie: this is getting boring let's play truth or dare or something

You; lowkey down. Get up you lazy ass boys

We sat in a circle and started playing

Katie: Daniel truth or dare?

Daniel: umm truth

Katie: do you have a girlfriend

Daniel: no not at the moment but I do have my eyes on some one

Katie: okay..

Katie: okay whose next? 

Every one just stared at her

You: you guys are boring... Jack truth or dare

Jack: truth

You: what's the biggest secret you ever kept from the boys

Jack: I don't know really I tell them pretty much everything

Once again every just stared at me and Katie

Katie: okay corbyn truth or dare

Corbyn: dare

Katie: finally some fun... okay I dare you to kiss y/n

You: wow. You-

Corbyn: okay

He leans in and kisses you. You pull away and try not to blush

You: okay next

You say trying not blush even harder

You: Jonah truth or dare

Jonah: dare

You: okay bet I dare you to make a cup of coffee but you can't drink it

Jonah: what noo. I love coffee if I make it I'm going to drink it

You: to bad. Go make some

He goes and makes the coffee and comes back to the circle wit a mad face on.

You: awn thanks for the coffee

You pick it up and drink it

You: yummyyy

Jonah: ah geezzz

You: okay Zach truth or dare?

Zach: dare

You: I dare you to let katie sit on your lap but.. you can't touch her

Katie: ooooo I love to tease too. Let's do it!

You: yea sorry we are kinda petty

She sits on his lap and his face gets red

Katie: ahhh this great look at the look on his face

You: ahhhhahahhhh he is trying so hard. Katie u can get up now

She gets up and sits back next to me.

Corbyn: okay y/n truth or dare

You: dare obviously

Corbyn: I dare you to give Katie a lap dance

You: oh okay that's easy turn on some music

Jack: what the hell

You: if you never twerk on your bestfriend then your not bestfriends it's that simple

They turn on "gimme my gots" and i gave Katie a lap dance

Katie: that was the best

Daniel: are guys sure your just no gay?

You: no were not gay we are baddie- sexual get it right.


Zach: Katie truth or dare?

Katie: dare duh

Zach: I dare you to give y/n a hickey. Now Ik you won't do that

Katie: okay watch this

You: oh wait what

Katie gave this big ass fucking hickey on my neck

You: did you really have to do that

Katie: never back down out of a dare

You: omg what ever.

After that we sat back on the couch and watched more movies. We were in the middle of watching after then I felt a hand on my thigh.

I looked up and saw corbyn with his hand in my thigh under the blanket

I whisper

You: corbyn. I think your hand is on my thigh

Corbyn: I know I put it there
He whispered back

You: umm. Okay

I didn't really mind as long as he didn't try to touch anything else if you know what I mean.

We watched movies for the rest of the night then we all fell asleep.

Hey guys thanks for 102 reads already.- Sya💕

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