First day of school

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*authors note: hey guys this is my first story so i hope you like it comment what you think and ill upload every friday(hopefully) oh and THIS IS A GIRLXGIRL STORY IF YOU'RE NOT INTO THAT SORT OF THING LEAVE NOW. and it might show some sexual encounters hehe enjoy- aprilasylum*

Chapter one:

Lace's POV.


  I woke up suddenly and threw the annoying alarm clock across the room. "stupid fucking alarm" I grumbled to myself. I'm not exactly what you would call a 'morning person' as you can see. I sit up on my bed looking at my phone '7:03' "shit im going to be late" i said. I hurried into the bathroom and took the fastest shower i could. I got out and looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed and blow dried my hair teasing it at the very top and put on a thick layer of eyeliner and mascara. i go into my closet and picked out a black motionless in white shirt and a pair of black skinnies that have many holes in them. i top it of with my black converse.

    I walk downstairs to see my useless excuse of a mother passed out on the couch. i grab an apple which ill probably end up not eating anyways. I got my bookbag and started to walk to school. i dont own a car yet seeing my mothers a drunk and my father killed himself when i was 4. i looked down and traced the cuts on my wrist i haven't done it in a while but im craving it badly.

looking up to the pit of hell Sunset high school. I live in the dead center of california so its mostly hot all the time . walking in the first person i see it Ryan my one and only friend. i skipped over to him as  he opened his arms waiting for me to hug him. i give him the biggest hug i could manage. "HEY!!!" he said. he always seems to be in a good mood, well until one of the ones he loves get hurt. i giggled "hello ryan" i said. 

    Then the total bitch of the school walked by "SLUT" ryan sceamed and tried hiding behind me but with him being over 6 feet tall that was hard for him to do. "says the fucking emo faggot. why dont you just go kill yourself already we're all waiting for it" kimberly said

  I then punched her right in the nose satisfied when i heard a crack. probably broken since its pouring blood."YOU FUCKING BITCH!" kimberly said holding her nose. her followers as me and ryan call them were circled around her seeing if she was okay. i rolled my eyes and looked at ryan. "no one calls my bro a faggot" i said with a grin, he looked at me with wide eyes and picked me up throwing me  on his back carrying be piggyback style. "its official Lace i love you" he chuckled "i smiled i know he was joking considering him being the only one knowing i am a lesbian.

     ~~~~  *A/N ~ is going to mean later*

  I sat down in first period in the very last row looking around seeing everybody else is already seated. sighing and taking out my Ipod and head phones i decided on listening to some black veil brides. Saviour was playing and then i saw her she had platinum blonde hair and wore all black. She was beautiful. "Class this is uhm..." Mr.  Wilson looked at her waiting for a name. "Im Serenity" she said quietly. oh my god her voice was like velvet. 

 She looked over at me and her eyes keep me captive for a bit too long. finally she blushed and turned her head down. i turned away and put my music back in. what the fuck Lace you can't have a damn crush already. FUCK. i felt a tap on my shoulder that made me jump a little was i that deep into thought? oh well. i turned to see who was tapping me and my mouth dropped. "uhm hi do you mind if i sit here?" serenity said. damn she is even more gorgeous up close. i nodded my head quickly hurting my neck. "shit" i mumbled .. she looked over at me and giggled "are you okay?". "i. im fine" i stuttered.

 The rest of the day went by quickly. 

i sighed as i walked my way back home. i really didnt want to deal with moms shit today. i walked into my house and saw my mother was still passed out on the couch. i sighed and went upstairs to my room and drifted off to sleep.

*author note: Hey guys!! so this is the first chapter!! how do you like it so far? let me know c: -aprilasylum* 

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