Rope Burn

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   "Ai'Tharn," Type pouted. "You said we would get boba after our movie but instead you dragged me to this music store. I wanna try the new strawberry mango flavor." Type whined as Tharn looked at different drumsticks. The pair Type had given Tharn for his birthday a couple weeks ago had been worn from use and finally snapped at his last practice. Tharns actually surprised they didn't break sooner.

   "Baby, I promise after I pick out a new pair of drumsticks we can grab that new boba you wanted to try." Tharn grinned at Type bashfully. "I'll even throw in a couple kisses and cuddles if you want me to." Type scrunched his nose in an attempt to hide his blush and shoved Tharn away from him.

   "Bleh." Type stuck his tongue in mock disgust while his boyfriend just smiled back at him, his eyes turning into crescents. "You're just a big cheese ball underneath that bad boy aura and physique."

  "But you still love me." Tharn sang as he turned back to inspect drumsticks while Type rolled his eyes.

    Tharn was right, of course. Type loved Tharn with all his heart, why else would he have spent the last two years putting up with his nonsense? They were both utterly whipped for each other and made one another better people. Over the two years they had been together Type started to calm down, he wasn't a little angry ball of fire anymore. In fact, Type had been violence free for four months. No fights, no hitting, no yelling. Tharn had changed him and the effects were starting to be shown full force.

   Naturally, Tharn was proud of his boyfriend for overcoming his anger problems. Type had struggled for so long with them. In the beginning it was hard for both of them. Tharn didn't want to see his fluffball beat himself up after strong words were said and fights occurred, so he put up a front and pretended like the words didn't affect him. He knew they weren't intentional, but he was still hurt. Tharn pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind every time though and brought Type to the front. He would do anything for his baby and if that meant enduring a few harmful words so be it.

    Lately Tharn was getting concerned though. After a little disagreement or unimportant fight Type wouldn't blow up at Tharn like before, one day he just went quiet and he's been like that ever since. Tharn understood this as Type's way to calm himself down before he would say something he regretted, but the musician wonders that one day if Type keeps holding back his words he may keep something important from his boyfriend. Tharn would find a way to drag it out of him somehow if that were to ever happen, he'd make sure of it.

    As the boyfriends exited the store hand in hand they made their way over to the boba shop, Brewly Yours. Type wasn't a big fan of the name, he thought it was too cutesy for him the first time Tharn begged him to try their tapioca. As he entered though, he fell in love with the atmosphere. The way his boyfriend's face lit up when they received their boba made him love the shop even more and Type decided it was his new favorite hang space.

   "Tharn, Type," a barista smiled at them as they made their way to counter. "The usual?"

   "Not today P'Ohm," Tharn beamed as Type bounced next to him. "Type wants to try your new Strawberry Mango flavor and I'll just have an iced coffee with tapioca."

    "I'll get right to it." Ohm swiftly turned around as the couple stood waiting for their drinks and looked at the merchandise. They received a couple of glances from curious customers but Tharn just smiled at them as his boyfriend remained blissfully unaware leaning on his shoulder. He wondered if one day he and Type would be able to show affection in public without getting observed like animals in a cage. It was fine if they didn't hold hands or touch, no one expected them to be gay or in a relationship with one another based on their looks. But the moment Tharn put his hand on the small of his boyfriend's back, or grabbed his hand, or the rare times when Type initiated contact, they would be stared at. Prying eyes wanting to know everything about their personal life, quiet whispers from strangers aimed towards their companions about what the gay couple was doing. Even the occasional glares thrown at them from homophobic passerbys or jealous girls.

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