Chapter 14

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Hey guys, I'm super sorry that I completely disappeared for a very long time...I've been very busy with Summer work and I didn't get the chance to post. I hope you all understand.
It'll be a short chapter but I still hope you enjoy.

Momo's POV:

We decide to take one of my families private jets instead of a car ride. A driver from my family picked us up and dropped us off where the jet is located and now we're packing our bags into the jet.

Me and Jiro take our seats and so does everyone else.

Good thing the jet is an open layout so we don't need to sit in uncomfortable seats the entire time.

"Wow Yaomomo! This thing is awesome!" Kamanari shouts.

"Thank you, i'm glad you like it." I tell him.

Everyone nods in agreement with Kamanari .


Uraraka's POV:

Over these past couple days, i realized that Jiro really is a great person. I'm glad we've put our differences aside and became friends.

I also realized something about myself too.

I'm Bisexual.

I used to have a major crush on Deku, but then I had this super crazy dream where I was dating Tsu and then I couldn't even look her in the eye.

Then, when I heard that Yaomomo and Jiro and the guys were going on a trip to Disney, I wanted to make it up to them for my past behavior. Fortunately I was able to bring a plus one since I was letting them stay at my vacation home.

I'm really glad I made some great friends!

I get to stay in a room with Tsu, which is exciting.


Jiro's POV:

We arrive at the vacation home pretty late, so we all settle in and head to sleep.

Thanks to Momo's families jet, we had a great dinner!



I woke up to see Momo already wake and dressed.

She was wearing a pink shirt with some matching pink shorts. (The photo at the beginning of the chapter)

"Morning." I say.

"Morning." She tells me.

I walk to the suitcase and pull out my gray tank top and match it with blue jean shorts. (Again in the photo)

Then I put what hair I have into a small bun.

We go to the kitchen and I see everyone else dressed and eating breakfast.

(Referance to everyone else's outfits, cuz i'm lazy and don't wanna try to describe it)

(Referance to everyone else's outfits, cuz i'm lazy and don't wanna try to describe it)

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Momo's POV:

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Momo's POV:

We finish breakfast and we head out to our first day. (I accidently wrote 'gay' the first time when I tried to spell 'day' 😂)

We first head to Epcot.

They have lots of stores and things to buy. And it's all separated into places that are supposed to look like a certain place around the world.

We enter a shop.

"Wow look at all those tea's!" I say pointing to a shelf with teas.

"Ooh! look! they have keychains too!" Uraraka says.


We check out at the desk after Uraraka basically bought everything she saw.

"Where to next?" Jiro asks.

"How about we get a photo next to that cool statue?" Tsu suggests.

We walk over and someone offers to take a picture for us.

"Thank you so much!" I say.


"We should go get some food now. it's about lunch time." Kamanari tells us.

Everyone agrees and we go into a nearby restaurant.

"What can I get you guys?" The waiter says.

It's Kirishima?!

"Kirishima! What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Hehe, I got a summer job here." He tells us.

"Oh, cool." Uraraka says.

"Bakugou is here too." He mentions.

"Wait- really?! Him? Have a job?!" Kamanari laughs out uncontrollably loud.

"Well actually he had no plans for summer so I offered for him to come down here for the summer. He's not working a job. He and his family are loaded." Kirishima explains.

"Makes sense." I smile.

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