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Nina's POV:

I stepped out of my taxi after giving my driver a generous tip, I was just so happy to be back at the Anubis house, it really does feel like home. Nowadays America just felt like a reminder of my pain. Not too long after everyone started their senior year at Anubis house, Amber had phoned me and told me she was in America. I couldn't believe my ears, I had missed her so much. We had met for lunch and we talked everyday afterwards, she ended up moving in with me and my grams because her apartment was so lonely. Now here we are back at Anubis house for college, it feels so surreal.

"Yes daddy, we just arrived outside, I'll text you if I need anything" I heard Amber tell her dad not too long after.

"You ready to go Amber" I ask her, slightly not sure if I'm ready myself, though I would never admit it.

"Always" replied Amber, happier than I've ever seen her.

We walked inside the house, I already felt chills, I really missed that feeling. We saw suitcases scattered all around the hall, we knew we were probably the last to arrive. We walked into the living room and suddenly many eyes were on us.

"AMBER! NINA! I've missed you guys!" Patricia shouted as she ran and hugged us for what seemed like forever. Suddenly many different pairs of arms were on us as I heard a mixture of sentences that I couldn't make out, all I could focus on were the big brown eyes of my first love, Fabian.

Fabian's POV:

One minute, I was listening to Eddie and Patricia tells us an hilarious story from when Patricia went to visit him in America when the door opened and I saw something I never thought I would ever see again. Nina Martin, the girl I could never forget even if I tried, not that I'd want to. Everyone got up excitedly to greet her and Amber, but I couldn't move, all I could do was stand there and stare at her and to my surprised, all she did was stare back. After everyone had finally moved away from them, I walked over and hugged them. "It's so good to have you guys back, I've missed my bestfriends." I finally managed to say. I looked into Nina's eyes as she said "We've missed you too, so much." After Patricia annoyingly cleared her throat, our eyes finally separated and I went to sit back down, eating a chocolate chip cookie that was made by Trudy. It was good to have everyone back: Eddie, Patricia, Alfie, Jerome, Joy, Mara, Amber, and Nina. I wish Mick was here, but I didn't really miss Willow and KT, Anubis house never felt the same with them here instead of Nina and Amber.

No One's POV:

"So how was everyone's summer?" asked Joy.

"O-M-G! Mine was amazing, me and Nina bought this amazing apartment together and its absolutely gorgeous. You guys have to see it." Amber gleamed.

"She's right, I've been over a few times and i'm jealous they got to it first." Eddie said jealously.

"Wait, since when do you two live together? And since when were you three best friends?" Patricia asked, obviously annoyed.

"Oh I totally forgot you guys don't know what happened after I moved to America! When I first landed in New York, I realized I knew absolutely nobody, so I called Nina up and to my surprise, she and her grams lived in New York, so I moved in to help her take care of her gram and we've been inseperable ever since." Amber said in record time.

"And ever since my first year at Anubis house, Nina and I hung out a lot back home, I visited her after our graduation and us three started to hang out a lot, not too much since I ended up spending most of my time here with Patricia and my dad." Eddie explained innocently.

"Wait, so how is your grams Nina? Feeling any better?" Fabian asked, concern covering his face.

Nina looked down with her eyes getting watery. Amber leaned over and hugged her, while Nina put her head on Amber's shoulder.

"What's wrong Nina? I hope I didn't upset you" Fabian said, absolutely regretted his previous question.

"No, you didn't. It's just that my grams died just a few months after senior year started, she was really sick and her body couldn't take it anymore. It was just Amber and I on our own after that." Nina said, trying to keep the tears from running down her face.

Everyone walked over and hugged Nina simultaneously while muttering words that her brain couldn't process, her grams was always a sore subject, but she was happy to get it out the way now so she could feel better.

Jerome, Joy, and Mara all went to their rooms to unpack, leaving the Sibuna gang in the living room by themselves.

"We should do our annual 'welcome back sibuna' meeting tonight." Alfie suggested.

"OMG! I would love that!" Amber squealed.

Next thing you know, everyone was agreeing, it was decided, they would meet after lights in the attic, which was now a vacant bedroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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