Chapter four- He follows

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"Just meet Me at my house." I plead down the phone to Sasha.
"No!" Sasha shouts down the phone.
I was stood on my door step, I wanted to walk with Sasha. I couldn't walk past those flats on my own and mum wouldn't take me. Adam had already left but it's not like he could save me.
"Lily you still there."
"I can't come we will be late okay?"
"Because I have to do my hair and makeup there's just no time what so ever."
"Well do that another day please Sasha just today."
"Is there something bothering you? You're acting really weird. Lily... what's the matter? Lily ?"
I had hung up, because the man in back was stood there, right in front of me. I froze then closed my eyes, opened them and he was gone.
"Right doll, I'm off to work I will be back at five you'll be ok with Adam , only for an hour right?"
"Yes. Are you sure you can't take me to school."
"No babe sorry, I've not got time, see you tonight." Then she leant over and kissed me on the lips.
"Bye mum, love you."

I run to school. Everything seems like blur to me I can't see properly. I stop to catch my breath, I look behind me he's stood there in all black again, he shoots this cold stare.I look forward and back again he's not there I start crying them run, not taking the chance to look back again.

I get to school alive thankfully, but none of the kids are on there phones or doing there makeup, I don't realise he is stood in the middle of the school grounds. I run into school without looking at him, and meet Sasha in the no.5 corridor. I finally reach her shouting Sasha with all the breath I've got left.

"S... Sa ... Sasha, Sasha." I say as every one stares at me as I walk throw hallway no.5
Sasha turns round her face drops

"Wow did you brush you hair this morning? You're hair is frizzy do you need a brush? And why did you hang up on me this morning?" Sasha asks with one eyebrow up, Oh that's why people where staring at me.

"Bad signal sorry."


"Come on lets go to class."

"What ever you say."

I sit there beside Sasha looking out the window, that's got a green windowsill with purple scratches of where the paint has been scratched to reveal the paint colour underneath. Then I see him but not in black, in red this time.

"Lily? Hello earth to lily. Lily answer now!"

"Oh what? um what was the question miss."

"It wasn't a question, obviously you weren't listening. Oh well."

I look back to see nothing but the old rusty swing that still remains on its last leg.

"Omg! Why are you so distracted today? What happened yesterday... That reminds me where were you, I had to work with Jenny and she has serious problems, like really big problems!" I giggled.

"You should really breath in between asking questions and 1. Someone is following me and it's really creepy he is always wearing black and appears in front of me then just disappears 2. I wasn't feeling well and 3. She can't be that bad" Sasha's eyes widened.

"Okay 1. She wouldn't leave me alone for the rest of the day and she sat down, just started kicking the air and she asked me to go to her house and watch tv with her 2. I'm guessing you had a headache and 3. Have you told anyone about this man following you? It sounds really creepy" I nodded.

"I haven't told anyone I tried to tell my mum but she didn't listen to me! He came to my house and then disappeared" I looked at Sasha she had wide eyes and looked terrified.

"Is that him..." I instantly turned my head and he was there with the little girl her head was down and he held up a sign saying 'Your next' I looked at Sasha. Something then smashed the window next to us.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed as did Sasha. We put our heads down and covered them I looked up and glass was everywhere the teacher ran over to us to make sure we were okay. A rock had been through through the window, I looked outside the window and he was gone.

"Tell someone before something bad happens, this is serious because even I'm scared" I looked at the door and Sasha I grabbed my bag and did a runner. I ran straight to the bathroom and locked the door Sasha on my tail. We got in I closed the door I leaned against the wall with my hands on my knees. Sasha was doing the same.

"We didn't see anything, understand?" I said blankly to Sasha still catching my breath.

"Excuse me? But when I or my friend is being followed I will tell someone! You can't just ignore this!" She stood up fully.

"We can't say anything cause all we know is... Nothing. We know nothing about them, it could be someone screwing with us for all we know" I said looking at the ground.

"You call that nothing. Someone with a little girl who looked dead and a sign saying 'Your next'... You call that nothing I call that creepy. Lily admit it your being followed!" She said throwing her hands up.

"Who do I tell then! My mum, the police, the school, who do I tell?!" I almost shouted

"You just named every person you should tell" I stopped shouting and thought about it then the bell rang. I busted the cubical door open. Me and Sasha ran out without taking one look in the mirror. Usually we would just be a little bit late for lessons you know, sorting our hair and do makeup, but as you can see today is different than usual.

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