A young boy named Dave Strider walks through the empty flat the smuppetts that belonged to his brother had all been removed, his blonde hair pasted to his head with sweat his bright ruby eyes a pink from crying his pale cheeks stained with tears he stumbles through into the cold dark bathroom and sits down against the door rubbing his eyes slowly. He sighs heavily “Why bro...Why’d you have to leave” he hugs his knees whimpering to his self he thinks ‘why do I have to be plagued with these visions of you being here ...it makes everything worse, why can’t I just get over it. He sighs standing up and walking to the bathroom cabinet and turns on the radio A song plays in the background singing peacefully “Cover my eyes, Cover my ears, Tell me these words are a lie, It can’t be true, That I'm losing you, The sun cannot fall from the sky” he gulps and grabs the sink shaking heavily why couldn’t it all just go away. His brother had died 5 months ago memories of his brothers corpse lying on the roof A blade piercing through his heart the smile on Dirks face as he sees Dave look down at him, Dave grabs his hand shaking violently “Please bro...Don’t die...You can’t leave me...I need you” he looks down at his brother and removes his shades that his friend john had given him years ago. Once again his red eyes where clouded with sorrow, the times they had battled on this roof as rival brothers only 4 years ago he couldn’t bare to lose him even if it pained him to admit he never wanted to lose his brother dirk. His mind snaps back to reality and he falls down to his hands and knees shaking more he couldn’t take it, this happened every night the same dream over and over again being lost and alone when he was younger and his brother coming home.