Chapter 4 - Jade

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I hurried into Mario's, my cheeks getting hotter with embarrassment. I secretly hoped Connor hadn't seen my face getting redder than a tomato. I was late AND I was coloured like a cherry.

"There you are! I almost thought you died!" a voice cried. I whirled to see my manager, Stella. She was young and very pretty, with soft golden-blond hair and eyes just a few shades darker. She was slender yet had curves in all the right places. She could have been a model, if only she was not 5-foot-4.

"Hey, sorry I'm late..." I apologized, bowing. Stella laughed and grabbed my shoulders, straightening me to my full height before drawing me into a hug. She was comfortable and warm, and she smelled like a summer garden.

"No worries, I'm just glad you're okay." Though I didn't consider her a friend, Stella cared about me, and she knew about my background. She made sure I was doing okay. "Is anything bothering you?"

I shook my head. "No...I was with...a boy."

Stella's eyes sparkled. "Ooh, a boy! Did you...?"

I scrunched my face. "No...I have no desire to."

She seemed slightly disappointed when she stepped back from me, but she was still smiling, her hand on my back, in between my shoulder blades. "Nonetheless, this is good news. Tell me at break, okay? Now get changed and start working!" she commanded in a mock-demanding tone.

I nodded. Heading to the washroom, I glumly changed out of the clothes Connor lent me and put on my uniform. It was slightly embarrassing. It was a ruffled knee-length black skirt and a red-and-black checkered shirt underneath an apron that fell about mid-thigh, with little black boots that went up to about mid-calf. The guys had better uniforms, with black button-down shirts and dark grey slacks with aprons tied around their waists. Without fail, I ended up wishing I was a guy every time I came to work at Mario's.

Stepping out cautiously, I stared at the masses. It was as busy as ever, and in my present state of mind, I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. Straightening my shoulders, I headed to work.

Little did I expect to have a bad day, but I guess it was to be expected, considering how my mind was anywhere but here. I had dropped several plates (mostly empty), but at one point, I tripped on a chair leg and dumped a steaming-hot platter on a customer. He was good-natured about it, but the chef thoroughly chewed me out for it. On a normal day, I would have been ashamed, or even embarrassed, but I didn't have the mental capacity for that today.

At break, in the employee lounge, I slumped down in my seat. I knew it was a really crappy day in terms of work, but the information wouldn't process through the thick haze clouding my mind. Just then, the couch creaked next to me, and I looked up to see Stella. Her clear, warm amber eyes were concerned.

"Something does seem to be bothering you, Jade. Tell me about it."

I shook my head. "It's nothing, Stella."

"Don't give me that crap. It's not nothing, and you and I both know what a terrible liar you are."

I sat up and sighed, lifting my hands in a gesture of peace. "Okay, okay. So it's about that boy."

Stella propped her chin on her fist and gazed steadily at me. "Is he a nuisance to you?"

I shook my head again. "No, quite the opposite. He's been nothing but kind to me, and I...I'm not sure how to take it. I'm never quite sure what to do when someone is being kind to me. Even you. I am way more used to people shit-talking me behind my back, and contrary to popular belief, it doesn't bother me. Anyways, he told me that he wanted to be friends with me. I think the way we're taking it is a bit too rushed, though, and it's making me uncomfortable, even though I know he means well."

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