Chapter Two

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XDD Dat picture though XDD I actually fucking died of laughter, i'm not joking... Anyway... Some of the matches in this may never exist in all time and space but IDC so eh...

Michael Cole's voice boomed through the speakers all around the arena.

"Thanks for joing us tonight on Raw, where we have our main event coming up! What do you have to say about that JBL?"

"Well The Shield versus The Wyatt Family is obviously going to be a huge match, as they've been building up this giant rivalry over the past few weeks here at the WWE. But both teams are so good, i'm not sure what the turnout is going to be!" JBL replied to Michael's question with passion.

"Well enough of that, first up we have Daniel Bryan versus John Cena! And this match should be starting any moment now!"

All of a sudden, blasting out of the speakers was John Cena's theme music. John ran down the ramp, high-fiving his fans as he ran along, and as he got to the ring he slid under the bottom rope and thrust his his hands into the air. Fans screamed and cheered as his music died down and Daniel Bryan's started. He came running down the ramp and onto the ring. The match began with Daniel running at John and delivering and heavy clothesline, knocking him to the ground. John flipped up and punched Daniel in the chest, making him now in control of the match. The match went on as normal, until John lifted Daniel up and delivered the 'Attitude Adjustment'. John quickly pinned him as the referee counted.

"One. Two. Three!"

The bell rang.

"Here is your winner, John Cena!" The announcer announced, (oh what a coincidence XD) to all of the clapping and cheering of the crowd. John's music started once again, and he made his way back to the locker room while the paramedics checked on Daniel Bryan.

"What a match! I have never seen John Cena so hyped before!" Michael Cole said dramatically.

The announcers continued to drone on in the background, when Denzel asked,

"Is it a Divas match next?"

"Yes Denzel..." Ronnie replied smirking.

"You two are such perverts!" Kat moaned slapping her forehead in embarrassment.

"Well at least they don't have shirtless pictures of Dean Ambrose on their phone." Mitch added.

"All right shut up..." Kat said. (Suspect nothing...)

"Now approaching the ring, AJ Lee!"

AJ's music blared through the speakers as she skipped down the ramp smiling. She got on the ring and spoke with the referee as the music of Paige began loudly. She came towards the ring, with a disgusted look on her face.

"These two have had a very strange relationship the past few weeks. One day they're best friends, and enemies the next!"

"That's called being 'Frenemies', Michael." JBL replied.

"Well, I guess you could say that they are Frenemies!"

JBL sighed and hit his head on the table as the bell rang for the start of the match. The girls leaped at each other, pulling each other's hair. Paige threw AJ into the turnbuckle and ran at her, but AJ kicked her in the gut, causing Paige to stumble backwards. AJ kicked her again, but this time Paige caught her foot halfway a pulled her over. Paige repeatedly stamped on AJ until AJ grabbed Paige's foot and flipped her into The Black Widow . Paige screamed and writhed until she just gave up and tapped out. The referee signalled for the bell to be rung.

"Here's your winner, by submission, AJ Lee!"

AJ skipped back to the locker room grinning, and Paige eventually got up and followed.

"I love how flexible they are." Ronnie said to Denzel.

"I love how their boobs jiggle when they run." Denzel replied.

"Like hentai?" Ronnie questioned.

"Pretty much. "

"I wouldn't want to have sex with any of them though, they're too strong and they'd probably break my di-"

"Shut the fuck up you two!" Kizzy cried out loud.

"Yeah, can you not? Everyone is staring at you." Jena said.

"And It's just plain gross..." Kat added.

And these are the friends I have to live with, and I can't live without. I fucking love you guys ♥♥♥

And for the record, I hate you, Michael Cole...

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