he knows my name?

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Sana's POV

Today I went back at the dorm early with dahyun but then I there's a lot of stuff that we need in here for this dorm

Dahyunie!! I yelled

Nae unnie? She yelled back

I'll go buy the other stuff that we need in the near store outside the school OK!? I yelled

Yeah sure!! She yelled back in replied

Just tell the girls I'll be in ghe near store thank u dahyunie!!

I then went outside the dorm still wearing our school uniform but I dont really care anyways so I hurriedly enter the store and search for a new lamp for my room and a toaster for the dorm and also last but not the least I will buy an alarm clock so that I can weak up early anyways I started to search where is the lighting section so that I can find my lamp but then I saw a very very cute pink stuff toy and I was about to grab it but then there's another hand holding it

Ah...excuse me but I got it first so would u mind removing youre hand?? I said calmly still looking at the bear

Sorry but it I saw and touch it first..a deep familiar voice said

I look at the person who's holding the stuff toy and to my surprise its one of the famous boy in our school..

Wait aren't u one of the famous boy in the school? I asked him he then finally looked at me and he widened his eye

I ah...sana-shii can I really have this stuff toy.. its the bear that ive been finding for weeks to complete my collection...he said

U know my name???? I asked him

Ah...yeah were at the same class..he said blushing a little

Hehe sowwy its just that I really don't notice u..I said

Btw im taehyung..he said offering his hand for a handshake

I then accept his hand and we both did a handshake..

Nice to meet u taehyung sunbae and btw u said u like the bear right? Then u can have it there's a lot of it anyway but its not the same color...I said while smiling

Thank u sana-shii..he said showing me a boxy smile

U have a cute smile...I mumbled

Thank u..he said still smiling

U hear It? I asked shocked

Yeah....he said chuckling

Omg that's embarrassing...I said blushing

Nah...it's ok a lot of girls used to tell me that..he said

BTW since u gave me this bear should I help u buy the stuff that u would like to buy?he asked


Then we begin to buy all of the stuff that I need then head to the cashier and pay..after that taehyung sent me to my dorm the I bid our goodbyes and then I went inside the dorm


Hey guys if u saw another typo again well sorry the keyboard is stupid😂😂 but anyways hope u enjoy this one bye~~~

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