|You being a punk | First Meeting | Part I|

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You would meet him at university, in probably one of the most cliche ways possible... 

The semester had recently started again and you were quite exited about the upcoming year. You weren't looking forward to the assignments that would be harder, just like there would probably be more of them than the previous years. But the thought of hanging out with your friends more frequently again, made you all giddy and excited. 

Last year you also made so many fun memories and did ridiculous things sometimes. Nonetheless, you enjoyed every single minute of it, not wanting to trade it for all the fortune in the world. 

That day you were walking with your friends through the crowded halls of your university, discussing an assignment you got the lesson before. It was quite a fun assignment, even though it would still be quite the challenge. 

"I just don't believe they paired me up to that loser", one of your friends complained, making you laugh. "I probably have to do all the work to get a good grade. Still don't get how he passed last year", your friend adds, gaining more laughter and some shrugs from the rest of you. 

"I have no clue either", another friend of yours added, shrugging his/her shoulders. "But I know I'm glad it wasn't me who got paired up with him". 

More laughter erupted from your group, one getting slapped by the other, totally not amused. 

As you were too focused on your friends their childish antics, you didn't see a tall boy in his own world heading your way. 

The two of you didn't pay any attention. His shoulder collided with yours rather harshly, making you stumble back a bit. He was quick to react as he grabs both your arms, keeping you steady. The unknown boy looks at you with worried eyes, your heart skipping a beat as you look at him. 

His eyes were quite small, but radiated warmth and friendliness as he looked at you with a worried expression. The brown curly strands of his hair covered his forehead and looked disheveled, as if he had been running his hands through it repeatedly.  

His lips were plumb and even though they were a little chapped, they still looked appealing. It was also then that you noticed you had to crane your neck to be able to look at him, his tall figure towering over you. 

"Are you alright sunbae? I'm sorry, I didn't see you".

The sudden sound of his voice surprised you a bit, shaking you out of your staring. Behind you, you heard snickering and whispering coming from your friends. You paid it no mind when you nodded your head with a soft smile. 

"I'm fine. And don't apologize, I wasn't paying attention as well", you assured him. A wide smile appeared on his face, his eyes becoming two lines as he showed his slightly crooked teeth. 

"So we both were a bit distracted", he concluded sheepishly, still smiling. You just nodded your head smiling as well. 

"Oh, I better hurry", he said after casting a glance on his watch. "I'll miss the bus if I don't go now", the boy explained as he bowed to you in a sense of saying goodbye. You bowed back and watched him continue his journey down the hall. 

But before he disappeared around the corner, he looked at you once more, waving shyly and disappearing from sight. 

You just stood there, letting your friends laugh and bicker as you could only think about his crooked smile. 


The first time the two of you meet, would be in a place you would never expect it: your workplace. 

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