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Ok so idk if anyone already came up with this prompt, but I am legit telling you guys now that this prompt just popped into my head while I was lying in my bed while reading a chinese romance novel...


So imagine your otp having dinner and after eating, Person B picks up the dishes and starts to clean when..

Person A: I wanna have dessert now

Person A : *suddenly stands up and quickly closes the fridge door, and traps Person B *
Person B: ok *goes to the fridge to get the ice cream*

(If yall dunno how it is supposed to look like, person a has both his/her arms on each side of person b's head with person b standing between person a and the fridge)

Person B: * standing infront of person a with his/her back on the fridge door, looking confused and surprised*

Person A: *continues to make eye contact with person b* I. Want. Dessert

Person B: *still confused* yah, I was about to get the ice cream and then you stopped me you idiot!

Person A: *chuckles lightly* * says while grinning* I said. I want to have dessert *continues to grin seductively*

Person B: *suddenly realizes what person a meant* * continues to make eye contact* ummm... *quickly runs away*

Person A: OH NO YOU DON'T!! *catches Person B by the waist*

Person B: *struggling to escape* Argh!! Let me go!!

Person A: *chuckles* Nope! I gotta have my dessert *smothers person b with kisses while carrying them to the the bedroom*


Y'all decide what comes next (🎶you've been freed, do you know how hard it is to lead🎶 ok I gotta stop) you can get creative with this

If you do make a story of this pls share it to me so I can read it I'd love to see how you guys continued this, and be sure to give credits:)

I searched everywhere and found that no one had made this prompt yet sooo

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