Chapter 2: Hyungs

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Chapter 2: Hyungs

They brought Taehyung to his mansion, Taehyung didn't do anything since Jungkook men pointing a gun at him and they forced him. He looks lifeless after witnessing his parent's death. He can't help but cry after seeing the traumatic scene.

"Why are you crying, huh?" Jungkook inquired with a hint of irritation in his voice.

Taehyung fidgeting his fingers, he felt having a panic attack.

"Don't fucking ignore me when I asking you!" Jungkook yelled sternly.

Taehyung flinched on his seat and looked at him with teary yet scared eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." Taehyung pleaded while sniffling.

His tone has sounded frightened, shaking nervously. He wants to open his mouth but he immediately shut it.

"If I asked you something, make sure to answer me. I don't like a silent treatment on my slave like you." Jungkook snarled

"Suh-sorry" Taehyung mumbled weakly, whimpering when his nails digging on his palm.

"We're here, slave." Jungkook said as they arrived at Jungkook's house.

Taehyung didn't respond once again, he was lost in himself, keep thinking about their death. Jungkook left his car, he was annoyed when his slave wasn't coming out of the car, he noticed that his slave was silent.

Jungkook held his hand but Taehyung yanked it while flinching. Jungkook held his chin tightly and gave him a death glare.

''I don't like it when my SLAVE doll didn't like me. I can kill someone if you ignore me again." Jungkook sternly said.

Taehyung didn't respond again, he felt scared yet he wants to be strong. He doesn't like it when he feels like he was an omega who submissive to the Alpha.

"Can't use your tongue? Want me to get it for you huh?" Jungkook threatened and smirk devilishly.

That's made Taehyung shrunken to his seat.

"Is this what you want? My parents already dead! What else you need? I don't have debt on you! Why you have to drag me here!" Taehyung yelled with teary eyes.

Jungkook snickered, his grips tightened on Taehyung's chin who whimpered in pain once again.

"Don't talk to me like that! You're the payment for their debt. You can't get out of me not until you didn't pay for me!" Jungkook retorted glaring at him.

"What do you need in me, huh? My body?! Go, do whatever you want! Believe in me, I don't have use for you." Taehyung replied with full of anger.

"Shut up! If I want your body, I already take you to your house! Why would I put any effort into a useless like you? What do you think of me, stupid? Don't talk unless I say so, this is your first warning, or I wouldn't hesitate to shot a bullet on your head." Jungkook threatened.

Taehyung let his tears fall on his eyes while nodding his head.

"P-please, let go of me." Taehyung whimpered in pain.

"Please what?" Jungkook grinned.

"Please, master, I-I'm sorry." Taehyung sobbed feeling cringe at the word 'Master'.

Jungkook caressed his cheeks and peck them. He smiled while looking at Taehyung.

"Good Doll, Keep obeying your master so you won't get hurt, understood?" Jungkook smiled like an idiot.

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