Class with the hero's Chapter 7

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"Good morning Jewel how did you sleep?" Dub asked me. I smiled at her "Yes Hitoshi is truly a gentleman. What about you and bakugo?"

She sighed and looked over her shoulder at bakugo. "Let's just say Katsuki is...easily taken down." I was confused about this, but she didn't look like she wanted to talk about him.


Alastor walked out of the elevator holding his hat he looked around and saw us. He walked over to us and sat down. "Where is Hugo?" He put his hat on as he looked around. He was twitchy which has not happened since him and Hugo started dating.

"I don't know where he ended up, but we can go look for him. Dub who was his partner?" I turned to her and her eyes turned blue. "He was partnered Amajiki Tamaki, 3rd year, class 3-A." Her eyes turned back to brown and she stood up.

"Kagami are you coming?" He nodded and we all walked out looking for the 3-A building.

We found the building and walked inside. We saw Hugo sitting with 5 other people. 2 from our school and 3 from UA. Alastor ran over to him and hugged him from behind.

We walked over and introduced me and my friends. We grabbed Alastor and met up with the rest of the squad.

"So, what do we do now?" I started walking to the school and called behind me. "Go to school perhaps? Train a bit, see what they learn. Live up to our full potential as villains in training..." They followed behind me.

"This is why we keep you around Jewel." Kole said and I stopped walking.

"You have no choice weather to keep me around or not. I have a choice to not keep you around. Remember that." I kept walking and I could feel the chills running down Koles' spine.

I don't want to get rid of any of them but if any of them betrays one of us then I will have no choice.

We walked up to the school and saw Hawks, Spinner, Nezu, and Mic talking out front. We approached them and Spinner turned to us. "What are you doing?"

"We were wondering if we could go to the hero classes today." Nezu clasped his paws together smiling. "That is an excellent idea Ms.-" the tone of his voice was searching for a name. "Jewel. Shigaraki." His smile flickers a bit but quickly returns. "That is a great idea Ms. Shigaraki. If any of your other peers would like to join you, they may but you must stay with your partners though. We don't have enough room to fit all of you in one class. Don't you agree Hawks?"

Hawks nodded stretching his wings a bit. "Sure whatever." He yawns and flies off. We walk to the lunchroom to wait for our classmates. Mr. Aziawa said he would instruct the students to go to the lunchroom to find us and take us to class.

We sit down and wait and soon more kids from my school walk in. Some of the kids walked here with their partners so they went straight to class, while others had to stay and wait. I was waiting for Hitoshi because he was still training.

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