I love you-Eddiexfem!reader

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"Eddie spaghetti!"

"Yea y/n?" He's confused because we're right next to each other.
  "I love you."
  "I love you too."

  "No in a non-platonic way. I have loved you for so long, Eddie Spaghetti."
  "Like I said 'I love you too.'" He grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes for a few seconds before kissing me gently and quickly.

"I- oh I'm sorry"

"I kissed him again. "No, don't be sorry. I liked it."
  "O-ok." He kissed me a little long this time."I-I liked it too."

  "A-are we together now?" I asked shyly.

"I-if you wantto be."

"Good because I wanna be..."

"I love you Eddie spaghetti."

"I love you too n/n" I hug him and we just sat there in the barrons waiting for our friends.

"Y/n? Eddie?" It's Benverly as the losers call them bc they're dating. "Why are you kissing?"

"We're dating d-dipshit."

"Sorry Ben. He's not in a normal mindset right now." I kissed his cheek and he turned bright red. They laughed. I think we're a cute couple. I hope we are.


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