The First Killing

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A Few Years Earlier

It was around 11:00 pm at night, break time for the hunters, perfect hiking hour to hike to the top of the grassy hill in the forest, and hunting hour for the predators of the forest. It was a starry night, not a single cloud to be seen. From on top of the hill the city lights made a slight white glow in the sky under the stars. The wind was a little breezy but that was to be expected. Forest rangers would manage the forest and the people in it. A couple sat at top of the hill with the woman in the man's lap. The man pecked the woman's neck as they star gazed together. The woman felt eyes on them and looked around. The man asked if she was alright and she slowly nodded, "Yeah it's nothing." She said and laid back onto him. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist. The wind blew, making the grass whistle and the tree branches make noise, a perfect sound cover up for the monster stalking just behind them. Glowing yellow eyes stared them down before snarling, making the man turn around and look at the monster, his eyes widening and about to scream out. The beast then attacked him, biting into his throat, crushing it. Blood gushed onto the beast's jaws, the man's shoulder's, and his girlfriend. The woman shrieked in terror at the sight. The beast was looking her in the eyes, their pupils as slits like a cat's. He sunk his claws into the man's shoulders. Blood spilled from the man's mouth when the beast pushed him aside, letting him bleed out a slow and painful death. He had been paralyzed by the merciless jaws of this beast. The woman went to scramble to her feet to flee but the beast pounced on top of her. It huffed in her face, it's breathe smelling of fresh blood. She cried out, kicking and trying to push the beast off. They snarled lowly into her ear, pinning her chest down with a large paw. It waited for the woman to tire herself out, which she did after ten minutes. "P..Please..spare me!" She said in between a breaths. She was trembling and put a hand on the beast's bloody muzzle, lightly pushing on it. It growled quietly and licked her hand. It's eyes looked into her glossy ones, tears rolling down her red cheeks. The beast was hesitant but wrapped his jaws around her throat. She said her final words before it crushed her throat and stabbed its claws through her chest. "I love you, Jake." She spoke her final words. The beast picked up their bodies by their ankles in its jaws, trotting away to its den to devour the bodies.

During the foggy morning, a forest ranger came across the top of the hill, the grass having dried blood on it. It was too much blood for it to be an animal and there weren't any signs of a dead animal. They called in through a radio and described what it looked like. Soon other park rangers came to investigate and one of them confirmed the possibility of it being human blood. Someone else then found a large paw print in the mud. It was dry so they carefully dug it up with some tools, bringing it back to a ranger cabin. They examined it with different paw prints of animals and it didn't match anything. The paw was bigger than a bear print and looked similar to a lion's paw print. They called the police to warn everyone about the new beast in the forest. An emergency broadcast happened on all electronics, warning people in the area about the beast in the forest. For awhile people listened but then continued going. It's what started all the missing people. Once a number of people went missing, rarely anyone went to the forest anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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