Basically, I had lots of dreams, and hallucinations last night (something that happens every now and then) and couldn't really tell what was real and what was dreams. The only thing that was in everything was the fact that the Moon was missing.
The news about the moon missing was as big as Corona Virus right now. It's all over the news, everyone knows about it, and everyone's cautious about going outside.
It was honestly very anxiety-inducing, and when I woke up in the morning I literally thought the moon was still gone. It took me a couple of hours, like, around, 9:30 am, to realize the moon was still here and it wasn't real.
SonstigesYes, you read correctly. My dreams are, most times, super epic and carry an awesome plot, (Lots of my books came from idea I got from my dreams actually) so I'm gonna post them here for you all to enjoy. There will be the occasional wth did I just...