Chapter 1

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Deku's P.O.V:
   I curled up as small as I could, trying to gain warmth from my thin blanket. It was freezing in the Neko store. My "siblings" were curled up against each other, excluding me from getting any warmth from their bodies. I huffed out a small sigh. My "siblings" and I had never gotten along. They were big and dominante while I was small and soft-hearted. I had been in this Neko Store ever since I turned 9 months old. No one had bought me yet. I had been in this Neko store longer than any of the other nekos here. All except Kacchan, my best friend. However, the problem was, I'm a cat neko while he was a wolf neko. We fought sometimes but we generally got along alright. However, he had been sold only last month. I was left alone with my "siblings." I yawned widely and fell into a restless sleep.
        I awoke the next day, to loud barking and meowing. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. A man with red and white hair had come into the shop. I sat bolt upright, my too-big-for-me shirt pooled around me. I tried to make myself look fierce but only succeeded in making it look as though I was having a seizure. I sighed and ditched that effort and just decided to look like myself, small and weak. The bi-colcoured man browsed at all the glass-fronted cages before approaching us. My "siblings" began to fight amongst themselves, trying to show dominance. The man ignored them and locked eyes with me. I gazed up at him with my bright, emerald green eyes. My ears twitched slightly and my tail swished slowly from side to side.
"I'll take the green haired neko." I heard the man say. The shop worker came over with a look of disgust on his face. He had never made it a secret that he hated me.
"Sure. Take him. He's useless to me. Only thing he's good for is bearing kittens." I looked at the newspaper strewn floor, tears falling down my face.
"I still want him. He desrves a life." The bi haired man replied with a saddened tone. My head snapped up so fast, I feared I would break my neck. Was I just after being sold?! Surely I couldn't have heard him right!! The shop worker opened our cage and lifted me out. He carried me to a smooth surface and placed a collar around my neck. I had no clue what this smooth surface was but I sure as hell didn't like it. It gave me goosebumps on my bare legs. The bi-haired man handed the shop worker some coloured papaer before he  picked me up and carried me out of the shop. His hands felt warm against my bare legs and arms. I nuzzled my haed against his chest, purring lightly. The man chuckled and rubbed my head. We reached a square piece of metal with windows and wheels. I stared at in confusion. The man chuckled again.
"This is a car. It's how I get around." I nodded, understanding now.
"What's your name?" the man asked as I scrambled into the car.
"I-I don't have one." I stammered, unsure of how to phrase my answer.
"W-well my m-mother used to c-call me I-Izuku." The bi-haired man nodded thoughtfully.
"I think I'll call you Izu. It suits you." I blushed lightly.
"W-what's your name?" I asked.
"I'm Shoto Todoroki, but you can call me Sho." I nodded.
"Belt up. We're going home now." Sho said. I looked at him, a blank expression on my face.
"This;" Sho reached over to the side of my seat and pulled out a strip of fabric.
"Is a belt." My eyes widened in surprise. How did that get there?!
"And this, is where you clip it in." Sho slid the fabric across my chest and clipped the metal end of it into a square of plastic  beside my seat. I tugged at the fabric and yowled out in pain when it snapped back against my chest. Sho looked at me, worry in his eyes.
"Oh yeah, seatbelts retract. So just be careful." I nodded while rubbing my sore chest. Sho slipped a key into a little lock in the side of the wheel and turned it. The car roared to life causing me to cower back in fear. sho chuckled at me.
"That's just the car starting." He explained, ruffling my head of fern green curls. I purred. The car moved out of the parking lot and travelled away. I stood on my short legs and attempted to see out the window. Sadly only my forehead raeched the window. I sat back down with a pout. Sho laughed at me.
   We pulled up somewhere and Sho  stopped the car and turned off the engine. I unbuckled my belt and scrambled out of the car. I'm about the size of an a actual cat but I was told that I would grow a bit more. I tugged at  the hem of Sho's shirt. He looked down at me with kind eyes.
"Yes Izu?" he asked.
"Wh-where are we?" I stuttered.
"Home." he replied. I looked at him, confused.
"My home is now your home. Where I live is where you live now." he explained. I nodded, digesting this information. I followed him inside and gasped. The house was brightly lit and spacious. A wide flight of stairs led to the second floor. The carpeted floor felt soft under my bare feet. I walked into one of the many rooms. It had a large grey couch and a box of sorts. There was an expansive bookshelf in the corner of the room and a glass coffee table sat in the center, infront of the couch. I pointed to the box, a questioning look in my eyes.
"That's a TV" Sho explained.
"What does it do?" I asked.
" You can watch movies on it but I generally just watch my favourite programmes on it." Sho replied. I looked at the box with interest. Suddenly I felt my bladder fill up.
"Where can I go to the batroom?" I sqeaked, urgency in my voice.
"Just down the hall, first door on your right." Sho replied. I scampered off down the hall towards the bathroom. I didn't have time to take in the decorer as my bladder felt as though it was going to explode. I quickly did what I needed to do and left the bathroom. I didn't wash my hands as I couldn't rerach the sink. I walked back into, what I later learned was the sitting room and hopped onto the couch. The couch was soft under my bare legs.
"Do you want something to eat?" Sho asked. My ears pricked up on hearing the mention of food. I nodded my head vigorously. 
         A few minutes later the house was filled with the smell of bacon and eggs. My stomach growled loudly. I was ravenous.
"Come and wash your hands." Sho called from from the kitchen. I skipped into the kitchen. That was when I saw how hight the sink was. I looked up pleadingly at Sho. Wordlessly, he picked me up and brought me over to the sink. I washed my hands and sat at the table. a palte of eggs and bacon was put infront of me. I devoured the whole lot like a vaccum.
"Come on. Lets get you some new clothes." I hopped down from my chair and I followed Sho to the car and we drove into town. I darted into every clothes store I saw and bought a load of new outfits for myself. By the end of the whole expedition, I was exhausted. I began to doze off in the car on the way home. I yawned widely. Sho brought me inside. 
"Where do I sleep?" I yawned.
"In here." Sho led me up the grand  flight of stairs I saw earlier today and brought me to a room. It too was carpeted. The walls were bare. There was a large wardrope and chest of drawers in the far corners of ther room. A comfy looking single bed sat in the middle of the room. A door was erected into the far right wall.
"There is a bathroom in there." Sho gestured to the door to the far right of me.
" Yowl if you need me." I nodded sleepily. Sho helped me change into my new pyjamas. I rubbed my eyes. I climbed onto the bed and crawled under the warm covers. I curled up and fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

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