Chapter 8

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Sho's P.O.V:
   Fianlly school was out. Now I could spend all the time I wanted with my Izu. I had a huge grin palstered on my face the whole way home. I turned to flash Izu a grin. Only to see that;
                                                   Izu, wasn't smiling.
  Izu's P.O.V:
      My head was pounding. All the noise from school had been too much for me. Sho glanced over at me.
"Izu are you ok?" Worry laced his voice. I shook my head which was a huge mistake as my head began to pound worse then ever.
"What's wrong?" He asked, panick now in his voice.
"H-headache." I stammered. My stomach was churning restlessly and I felt nauseous. Sho placed a cool hand onto my  clammy forehead.
"Izu, you're burning up!" he cried. I whimpered as the pain in my head increased. Sho drove home at a speed that had me pushed up against the back of my seat the whole way. We reached home just as I began to feel faint. Sho opened my door and carried me out. Bile raced up my throat and coughes racked my body. Stars flashed behind my eyes and my head throbbed even harder. Sho ran inside with me in his arms. He raced up the stairs taking three at a time.
"Sh-Sho I-I'm gonna-" I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence as I threw up all over his arms and chest. Sho looked panicked as he raced up the remaining stairs. Tears ran down my cheeks as a burning sensation began in my lower abdomen.
"S-Sho, I-it h-hurts!" I whimpered.
"Youre going to be ok Izu!" Sho soothed as best as he could. We reached my room and Sho got me to my bathroom just in time as I threw up again. My body shook violantly and the burning sensation spread throughout of my body. My head pounded and my world spun. I slumped onto my back on the tiled floor. A ringing noise filled my ears and my vision blurred. Black spots appeared here and there. I could faintly hear someone crying and calling for help. Sho was crying. Don't cry Sho. You'll be fine, I'll be fine.  Sho's face appeared over me. He started saying something, but all I could hear was the loud ringing that filled my ears.
"Why are you saying. I can't hear you?!" I wanted to scream. I couldn't make a sound. it was as if my tounge had been ripped out of my mouth. The black spots began to increase in size and the ringing became lesser. I still couldn't hear anything. 
                Then, my world was plunged into blackness.
                               And, my heart stopped.

Sho's P.O.V:
Sobs racked my body as Izu's body went limp in my arms.
"NO! COME ON IZU! PULL THROUGH!!" I screamed. I didn't know what was wrong with him. He had just passed out in my arms. I frantically searched for his pulse. A wave of fear washed over me when I couldn't find it. My fingers went to his neck and relief washed over me when I found a pulse. It was weak but it was there.
"Please pull through Izu! Please!!" I prayed silently. I could hear sirens and the sound of pounding feet. I had left the door open in my haste to get Izu help! I ran out of the room and down the stairs. A group of paramedics stood at the door. All of them were nekos.
"Where is the patient?" A balck haired dog neko asked.
"T-this way!" I led the way up the stairs and into Izu's room. The dog neko knelt at Izu's side.
"I need  stretcher! He requires immediate medical attention!" The dog neko barked out. (Not literally.) A  pink haired bunny neko dashed out of the room and returned seconds later with a stretcher.
"Is he ok? Will he survive?!" I asked urgently.
"He'll be fine if he gets immediate medical attention." The dog neko snapped. I held Izu's ice-cold hand in mine all the way out to  the  ambulance and on the ride to the hospital.
"Did he feel unwell before he passed out?" The bunny neko asked as we drove to the hospital. I nodded.
"H-He had a high temperature and he looked a little yellow. He threw up twice and h-he claimed he had a headache. He lost conciusness shortly after throwing up the second time and I-I think his heart s-stopped momentarily." I rambled off. The paramedics exchanged a look of fear.
"What? What is it?!" I asked , panic in my voice.
"Just as I suspected." The bunny neko whispered.
"WHAT?!" I yelled. The dog neko gave me a sympathetic look.
"I-It's, bad." The female stammered. I paled and hot tears fell down my face.
"How bad?" I whispered.
"So bad that he may not make it." The male neko replied. My body shook  and sobs racked my body.
"No." I whispered. The female neko placed a hand on my shoulder but I jerked it off.
"However, there is still a chance he will make it." the male neko continued but I wasn't listening. All I could think about was what I would do if Izu died. I couldn't live without that little ray of sunshine. My ray of sunshine.
"Sir, SIR!" I snapped back into reality.
"Yes, sorry I spaced out." I gave a weak attempt at an apologetic smile. The female neko gave me a brittle smile.
"As I was saying, it's foxglove fever is what he has. It can be fatal to nekos if left un-treated. You are very lucky you caught on to it early." All the panick in my head lifted. There was still a chance that Izu could survive! I would still have my little ray of sunshine to hold on to! I released a sigh of relief and then without meaning to I burst out laughing, a high, crazy laugh. The paramedics exchanged a look.
"Sorry!" I gasped after I calmed myself down.
"You're in shock. That's perfectly understandable, considering you situation." The female neko patted my shoulder. Suddenly, the monitor beside Izu set off a loud continues droning ringing. The ambulance screeched to a halt outside the hospital. The paramedics rushed out and pushed Izu inside to the emergency room. 
"Stay here. We'll come and get you if he lives." the females neko ordered. I sank down into one of the worn leather seats, the last words of the bunny neko still spinning in my mind.
"If he survives"
                                                    Oh Izu! Please hold on!!

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