Day 1

253 6 3

Ikes POV

"Ike wake up you got school." My brother shoves me out of my bed.
"Fuck sake Kyle can't a guy get some well earned sleep around here?"

"Nope, you've had enough beauty sleep save some for the rest of us."
I still don't think I'll ever get used to that jersey accent.
It's so in your face.

"Ok Merida"

He scoffs.

"Snow white"

"Little red riding hood"

"Wreck it Ralph"

"Smart ass"

"Half wit"

"Batty boi."

"Ass pirate"

"Ok boys we all get it you're both as gay as each other now get ready for school the two of you" Our mum yells from downstairs.

I flip Kyle off as he slips out of the door.

I love my brother.
We do have our arguments but he'll always be there for me.
Not that I need him to protect me or anything though.
I mean I'm captain of the football team, that gives me power....
Ok maybe I don't abuse that power but still, power.

"Hurry the fuck up man, you can be alone with your thoughts on the way to school"

"Meh meh meh meh meh meh meh"

He punches my door and growls.
He hates it when people imitate his voice like that.
But obviously that's like one of the most prominent things about him that people make fun of.

It's not like his voice is too high pitched but it's not as low as your average guy.
Especially a jersey guy.

But he's right school, school, school.
I throw on a light blue hoodie and black skinny jeans.
Today I don't really feel that energised.
Nothing that a bit of maple syrup can't fix......

Just because I'm originally from Canada doesn't mean I have syrup with fucking everything.

"Ike I got those Oat bars that you like, you know those syrup ones"

Fuck sake.

"Thanks mum"
I take the bar she offers me and smile widely.
My favourite!

I give her a kiss on the cheek before heading for the door.

"Ike don't forget your kit"

Oh yeahhh.

I grab it and leave for school, well the school

*small time skip*

"Ike what's up?"
"Ike hows the team?"
"Main man"

I smile and say something to basically everyone,
Hm Filmores not here as usual.
Probably hungover again.
I scan over all the people motioning for me to sit next to them but of course I choose to sit at the back.
Right next to him.


I try to do this as much as I can but usually he'll ignore me or say something in his cold voice.
I obviously get the hint, he hates me.
I try to be kinda mean too but I can't!

Plus.....I really like him!
Crazy I know but there's something about the goth that draws my attention.
In a crowd full of people I'd spot him first.

I sit right next to him as close as possible.

He looks at me and rolls his eyes.
"Look what the dog dragged in"


"Cats are too pretty for you" he smirks.

See I manage to find out something about him almost every day.
Today it's the fact that He likes cats.

"Do you have to be basically sitting on me?" He groans.
"Huh what was that? You want to sit on me?"
His eyes widen in shock.

"I wouldn't sit on you if you were the last raft on the titanic"


He grins in triumph.

"Oooo what you writing?"

I snatch away his book

"Heyyy give it back."

"Awwww no."

I read through one of the pages, Hm impressive.
He manages to get it back but only cos I let him.


He crosses his arms and has this look as if he's about to kill someone for the whole journey.

I like it.

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