Potion class

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Harry turned around in his bed, listening to the sound of someone saying his name in his dream.


The sound became a little louder. 'How weird.' Harry thought.


The voice was straight up screaming know.

"Harry come on mate! We're gonna be late for potions!"

Harry shot right up after the statement.

"Oh no, how late is it?" He mumbled. He stumbled out of bed and looked Ronald Weasley in the eye. "Finally mate, I started to think you kicked the bucket or something. Hurry up class starts in 5 minutes!" With that, Ron left a dumbfounded Harry behind in the room.

Soon, he came to his senses at the sound of his stomach growling. "Oh no." He groaned. "I missed breakfast." Swiftly he grabbed his robes, put them on and raced after Ron. Halfway in the hall he realized something, something important, he forgot his glasses.

"Ron wait a sec I need to get my glasses!" He said hurriedly. "No time mate sorry, though if you want to get detention for a week you should go through with your plan, but I know for a fact I don't want to be stuck up with that git for longer than is necessary." He said with a huff.

They finally made it to the potion classroom. With a final look at each other and a gulp. They opened the doors and walked inside.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, so you decided to come after all? Didn't think you had enough brain to actually remember you had classes." He said with his famous monotone voice. "10 points off of Gryffindor for being late!" Harry wanted to protest but with the look Snape was giving him right know, he would only risk loosing more points. And beating Slytherin in the house cup was more important anyway.

In the back of the class they heard a few Slytherins snicker. Draco looked at Harry with a smug smile on his face. Ron went to sit with Hermoine, Harry looked around the classroom and found that the only place he could sit was next to the devil himself, Draco bloody Malfoy. He groaned at the thought of sitting next to him, what luck he had that morning!

"What are you planning to do Mr. Potter? Stand there all day? Go and sit next to Mr. Malfoy." With that, Malfoy's smirk subsided. As Harry went over to Draco he heard him say to Blaise: "Great! Now I'm stuck with bloody Harry Potter." Blaise just smirked and turned his attention back to Pansy Parkinson.

He went to sit and looked at Draco. "Just so you know, I'm not happy with this." He said with a glare and a snarl. "That makes the two of us." Draco glared back.

In the mean time Snape was writing the ingredients on the board with a chalk stick. "Okay class, now that we're finally complete..." he looked around the class to look at everyone, glaring a little longer at Harry and Ron, "we can start the lesson. Today we are making the aging potion. DON'T screw it up!" He said with thunder. He said especially to Neville and Seamus.

"Instructions are on the board. I will be supervising and at the end of class I will come over to look at your potions. If it isn't perfect or something goes wrong, you will be rewarded with a loss of house points and detention. You will work with the person next to you." Snape started.  'Great!' Harry thought. "Now begin!" Snape said. And then went back to his desk to grade some papers.

Harry was a ball of nerves. He couldn't bloody see because he didn't have his glasses! "Alright you get the ingredients then I do the rest." Draco said. It was clear in his voice he was tired and wanted nothing more then to get rid of Harry.

Harry nervously looked at the board. 'Alright this is going to be okay! I can do this.' He was trying to convince himself and was doing a miserable job at it. 'Alright what do I need what do I need...' he looked over at the board. 'Newt spleens, bananas, was that hairy fungus or hand of a dingo?' He really didn't know. He decided to go for the second option.

He got more ingredients and hoped he grabbed the right ones. He looked over at Hermione's table and her ingredients. For what Harry could see, most of what she had on her table matched with the ingredients in his arms.

With a satisfied feeling he went back to Malfoy and dumped the ingredients on the table. "Mr. Potter I will recommend to you that you should NOT brake something in my classroom." Snape said with a dangerous look in his eyes. "S-sorry sir." Harry said with a lowed head.

With that, Harry and Draco started to get to work. As Malfoy started cutting Harry looked at the rest of the class. Everyone was busy trying to make this potion work because they did NOT want to fail.

While he was doing this, he did not see Malfoy throwing the wrong ingredients Harry had took, into the cauldron.

The liquid began to boil and make weird noises. Within 3 seconds Snape stood next to them. "Mr. Potter what did you do?" He said with a stern voice. "Professor I didn't do anything! Malfoy was cutting the ingredients!" He tried to protest. "And where on the board had I written that a hand of a dingo is needed?" He said. "I w- ." But he couldn't finish the sentence as the potion began to boil.

Like seriously boil. It could explode any moment. "Everyone under the table!" Snape roared. Malfoy just stood there. Dumbfounded, wondering what went wrong. Snape cursed under his breath and ran over to him to push him under the table. He got Malfoy but he himself was unable to hide. With an explosion and a loud "BANG!" The potion exploded.

The load of liquid covered Snape as he was unable to protect himself. Smoke filled the classroom and everyone remained silent. Finally, someone came to his senses. Or rather, her senses. "Get madam Pomfrey!" Hermione yelled.

Padma Patil ran out of the classroom to get her. Everything went silent again as everybody wanted to see what happened. Then, the sound of someone coughing filled the classroom. "Wh-what?" Came a confused voice. Then... A loud thud. The person of who that voice belonged to had blacked out.

Madam Pomfrey and Albus Dumbledore came running into the classroom. Dumbledore had heard the explosion and was about to leave his office when Poppy came in. Together they went to look if everything was alright.

They stepped into the classroom and as Albus waved his hand, the smoke went away.

He looked at all the students and found that every single one of them was alright.

Everyone was just... standing there. Staring with shock to something on the ground.

There, on the floor, lay a teenager with black hair in Snape's robes... And Albus almost had a heart attack, because he recognized the cloaked person. It was Severus Snape.

Dun dun duuuuuun. Haha sorry for the cliffhanger. Hello! I'm the author. I want to make clear that I DONT own Harry Potter. Duh. But I wanted to make a teenage Severus fanfic. Pls stick with me till the end because I have plansss . For now, byee~ till next time!

Words- 1249

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