(This book was on a permanent hiatus but I'm considering continuing it because it's gotten a lot more views lately).
Bella Swan - Awkward, Clumsy, Quiet.
Maya Swan - Cheerful, Polite, Playful.
These twin sisters couldn't be more different, but th...
My name is Maya Swan, I'm the twin sister of Bella Swan, but we don't look very much alike, we were both pale, but she had brown hair and brown eyes, where as I had blonde hair and blue eyes. We were quite different when it came to personalities.
She was awkward, clumsy, and didn't have many friends, I was cheerful, polite, and I had one best friend, Katie. But I wouldn't see Katie for a while now, because Bella and I were moving to Forks to live with our dad, while our mom and stepdad went on a road trip.
Bella wasn't too happy about it, but I was trying to keep a positive mindset, thinking of all the new things to see. Maybe there would be inspiration for new drawings, maybe there would be people at school I could get along with, maybe there were cute guys or girls. Oh yeah, I'm Bisexual, which means I like both genders, just so you know.
Anyway, it took a long car ride, and an even longer plane ride to get to Seattle, where our dad was picking us up. "How long has it been since we've been here?" Bella asked as we got off the plane, "a few years I think, we spent a summer here in 2002" I said.
We went outside and saw our dad leaning against a police cruiser, he waved to us and we walked over, putting our bags in the trunk and getting in the car. Bella sat in the passengers seat while I sat in the back, our dad drove.
We drove over a bridge, passing a sign, I read the sign in my mind, the city of Forks, welcome, 3,120, I assumed the number was the population, this really was a small town. "Your hair is longer" dad said to Bella in an attempt to start conversation.
"I've cut it since the last time I saw you" she said, way to make things awkward, I thought, letting out a tense breath. We arrived at the house and I stepped out of the car, taking a deep breath of the damp air.
I grabbed my bags from the trunk and we all went inside, "I've cleared some shelves off in the bathroom" Charlie said as we all went upstairs. "Oh, right, one bathroom" she muttered, I gave her a glare, trying to stop her from being so rude. "Thanks dad" I said.
Bella and Charlie went into her room and I went into mine, setting my stuff down on the hard wood floor and looking around the room. It was exactly the same as last time I was here, but I didn't really like looking at all my old drawings, so I took them off the walls and replaced them with photos I'd taken, and I hung up some fairy lights.
I rearranged a few things so it was more my style, then I stepped back to look at it, I was happy with how it looked.
(This is the closest thing I could find to what I was imagining, you can imagine it how you'd like but this is how it looks in my mind)
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I unpacked all my clothes, putting them in my dresser, before grabbing my laptop from my bag and sitting down on my bed. I looked at the wallpaper on my laptop, it was me and Katie, we were at the carnival together and we were wearing matching dresses. They were purple floral dresses with flowy skirts.