One - Preparations

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Audrey's POV

"Come on Audrey! It's gonna be fun" Lilian whined by my side.

"You know I don't like parties. Dara tell her!" I protested, looking at Dara with hopeful eyes.

"I think I'm with Lilian. You hardly step out, talk more of for parties. Just this once" Dara said.

"What could be so important that it couldn't wait till after class" Mr Peterson scolded.

"Sorry Sir" I apologized on I and my friends behalf while they scoffed. He nodded in approval and continued the class.

"Nerd" Someone said amidst the crowd of students. Laughter erupted from every angle of the classroom. My friends looked at me apologetically but I was already used to it.

I was not your average high school teenager, in fact, I was below average. I was really smart but very antisocial. How I made friends like mine still shocked me.

"Who said that?!" Mr Peterson boomed and the laughter subsided.


"I'll ignore this but if it repeats itself. Detention comes next" He warned and then continued his lecture.

"So you're coming right?" Lilian chirped as we walked out of the class together. Lilian, Dara and I.

"Fine. If it'll make you guys shut up" I finally said after 30 minutes of nonstop begging.

"Yes!" They yelled in unison and started doing a victory dance.

"This years Halloween party's gonna be the shit, because we'll finally get to be a threesome!" Dara said happily.

Queens Highschool was having its annual Halloween party tomorrow and I have never attended one. I usually stay at home and do homework and stuff.

But this year, my friends have broken that tradition.

"Okay we are going shopping immediately after school. And we'll meet at Audrey's house" Lilian said. She was like the fashion conscious one in our little group.

"Sure why not" I said with fake enthusiasm and Lilian pinched my arm.

"Hey!" I protested.

"Show more spirit, you ass" She said, chuckling while Dara snickered. The warning bell sounded and we dashed to our various classes.

"Oh my God, Audrey this dress brings out your beautiful, beautiful curves!" Lilian squealed, "We are definitely getting this!".

I was wearing a black Chanel dress. It clinched to my body like a second skin but the good news is that it's a stretchy material. The V-cut was way too low for my liking but the length was okay.


The V-cut had a pretty black lace, around it. At least it covered my breasts. The only thing I loved was how it made my black hair shine and my pale skin glow.

But as long as Lilian loves it, we are getting it.

We paid for our dresses and went back to my house.

"Mom, we're home!" I yelled, as we dropped our shopping bags on the floor. The sweet smell of Mac and Cheese hits me and I feel my taste buds go into a frenzy.

"Welcome! Lunch will be ready in 10. You guys go freshen up" My mom said from the kitchen.

"Audrey!" My little brother yelled as he saw me. He ran towards me and gave me a big hug.

"Hey Adrian what's up?" I asked as I released him from the hug. He was about the answer me before he saw  Dara.

"Dara!" He screamed and jumped on her. My brother really loves Dara.

"Yo big man, how goes it?" She asked as they do their signature handshake.

"I'm cool like a fool" He said, grinning toothily.

"Hey Adrian" Lilian said, smiling.

"Hi Lil" He said, still grinning. He's the only one that calls her Lil.

"Oh, three dresses. Who's the third person because it can't be Audrey" My mom said whilst coming out of the kitchen with lunch.

"Surprise! Audrey is going to the party!" My friends yell in sync.

"And how did you guys finally convince her?" My mom chuckled, eyeing me.

"Just a little more begging" Lilian smirked, feeling victorious.

"Well I hope you girls have fun" My mom smiled, setting the macaroni on the dining table.

~~~~(The Next Day)
I woke up because of the blaring sound of my alarm clock. The girls had me set an alarm. On a Saturday! We had plans to go to the Mall to get our hair and nails done.

In other words, doll ourselves up.

"Good morning mom" I said whilst yawning as I walked down the stairs. My mom was the best cook in the planet damn. The smell of blueberry pancakes hit my nostrils and you could hear my stomach grumble from a mile away.

"Someone's hungry. Morning" She said, dropping a fresh batch of beautiful pancakes in front of me.

"Thanks. Where's Adrian?" I asked as I began to eat.

"Oh they have a field trip today".

I nodded and said no more as I savoured my breakfast.

"Guess where the party is being hosted" Lilian struggled to say because her hair was being 'dragged' by the curling iron.

"Where?" I and Dara said in sync.

"The Cemetery!" She said in excitement.

"What?!" "Yes!"

"Dara what do you do mean by yes?! I'm not going! Who the fuck parties at a cemetery? Not only is it spooky but it's disrespectful!" I protested.

The hairstylist looked very interested in our conversation.

"Ah stop being a pussy. It's just a party. If you're so scared, we'll be by your side throughout" Dara promised.

This is so wrong.

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